All Products 17.3 HF3 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0097574 Help tips for header and footer of a listbox are not saved with 4D 64-bit. 18
ACI0097822 Design menu is visible when opening a merged application that was built with 4D Volume Desktop 64-bit 18
ACI0099595 Cursor is not shown in last space of textbox if Wordwrap is ON 18
ACI0099739 No default HTML Template available as a destination for a Report in the Quick report editor. Windows system only, 64-it version only. 18
ACI0100032 4D doesn't close when you click on the close button in the top right corner in application mode. 18
ACI0100039 ORDA queries only link to primary key and ignores the relation lines.
ACI0100064 ORDA query returns incorrect value when querying for null object fields.
ACI0100149 When you use Spooler document name option to set file name, 'PRINT SETTINGS' command does not use the correct name; macOs only, 64-bit only. 18
ACI0100172 Launching 4D Server as a service with a remote datafile (".4DD") doesn't work: the base can't be opened. It's fixed now but you need to configure the service with the same user that mount the network drive (if not, 4D Server can't find the network path). 18
ACI0100178 Importing some CSV files generates an unexpected error 215. 18
ACI0100199 Standalone application doesn't start in MSC-Mode (Alt-key down on startup) 18
ACI0100218 ORDA: a crash could occured on index object field when using 'in' operator. 18
ACI0100219 'SET CURRENT PRINTER' initialises print parameters unexpectedly. 18
ACI0100227 Query on index object field with ORDA, 'in' operator and '@', with new record in transaction mode, doesn't work correctly: the result is incorrect. 18
ACI0100060 underscore in table name raises an error "cannot access table..." with MS Query when adding a table 18