All Products 18.5 HF2 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0102029 When using 'INTERSECTION' between process and local sets in client-server mode, the result is the initial value of the local set instead of the correct set expected. 19.0 HF1
ACI0102125 In Project mode only, 'REJECT' command is not working when applied on a field 19 R2 19.0 HF1
ACI0102159 'METHOD GET PATHS' 4D command used from a compiled component doesn’t see the host shared methods when the host is in '.4DZ' format 19 R2 19.0 HF1
ACI0102160 A new local folder is unexpectedly created when 4D remote try to reconnect to the server after a disconnection 19 R2 19.0 HF1
ACI0102169 When you disable a button with a coloured title, it does not gray out; that bug happens since v18.5 (more precisely, since v18.4 Hotfix 3). 19.0 HF1
ACI0102176 An unexpected corrupted UUID.txt file could lead the server to hang or kill the stored procedure running. 19.0 HF1
ACI0102178 In project mode, when you have a Line form object, the chosen dotted line style is different from the one shown in the form. 19.0 HF1
ACI0102203 4D Write Pro displays badly hyperlinks 19.0 HF1
ACI0102224 Using Legacy network layer could generate a freeze when soap request is called in preemtive mode to the 4D Remote web server. 19 R2 19.0 HF2
ACI0102230 'Option + click' on a pluging area to start a 'drag and drop' is not working as intended in 64-bit, on Mac platform; works on 32-bit. 19 R2 19.0 HF1