All Products 18.5 HF3 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0101060 In the 'Export data' dialog box, when you apply a numeric format to a real table field, in the preview area the data appears with double decimal points. 19.0 HF2
ACI0101233 4D View Pro: While loading, when you resize a form window just before the 4D View Pro is displayed, 4D may freeze. 19 R2 19.0 HF2
ACI0101326 4D may crash when null is passed as a parameter to a method in compiled mode . 19 R2 19.0 HF2
ACI0101759 Label editor: Applying a format thanks to the command 'String' doesn't work. 19.0 HF2
ACI0101834 In Client-Server mode, locking twice a same entity keeps the record locked, despite the entity is cleared with Null value once. 19 R2 19.0 HF2
ACI0101912 Label editor: impossible to save modification on edited concatenated fields. 19.0 HF2
ACI0101978 LDAP Object GUID returned from 'LDAP Search' is a wrong text. 19 R3 19.1
ACI0102031 Modification of a persistent database parameter before queries via 4DSCRIPT causes a freeze 19.1
ACI0102098 Stamp changes unexpectedly when saving a related entity twice within a transaction. 19 R2 19.0 HF2
ACI0102141 Calling ".fromCollection()" from Client/Remote side saves dates in objects as ISO strings instead of dates. 19 R2 19.0 HF2
ACI0102174 An expected error with 'WEB SERVICE CALL' may freeze the 4D application 19.0 HF2
ACI0102233 Label editor: since v18.2, expressions and formatting are not displayed anymore; and the printing is wrong. 19.0 HF2
ACI0102258 'ELF' format web logs (need to select in Settings) are not well formatted: unexpected uppercase text, and problem of alignment. 19.0 HF2
ACI0102262 When converting to project mode, a highlight button (converted to invisible button) may contain an additional and unexpected object event checked: "On Mouse Move" event. 19.0 HF2
ACI0102273 In Project, zooming up does not increase the text size in text box/button title 19.0 HF2
ACI0102283 When sending a SOAP request from a third party application to the 4D web server, authentication is refused when the password is encrypted in MD5. 19.1
ACI0102285 backupHistory.json file continues to grow, exceeding the number specified in the settings 19.0 HF2
ACI0102353 Expression in the runtime explorer can generate a crash when selecting a process already aborted 19.0 HF2
ACI0102359 Bad display of a formatted real in a static text 19.1
ACI0102369 In C/S mode the dataClass.query class function doesn’t correctly interpret/replace the placeholders of type String. 19 R3 19.1