All Products 19.2 HF1 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0102121 The variable 'ViewPro' is empty when moving to next record 19 R4 18.6
ACI0102147 The build of an iPhone applicattion thanks to the button "Install", with a not-connected telephone, displays an error.
ACI0102337 The display format for a listbox 's column: the number format is not avaialabe for integer 64 bits 19 R4
ACI0102464 'WP Get view properties' returns wrong information about 'SpellEnabled'. 19 R4
ACI0102495 Wrong locking record info after an execute on server 19 R4
ACI0102541 On Mac-Intel, when building an application for Intel only, the application doesn't run on Silicon (Rosetta mode)
ACI0102643 In 4D View Pro, null date returns an incorrect value (30/11/1899 )
ACI0102662 The web server ignores its charset to process web form variables; it always assumes utf-8
ACI0102664 When you have a link to a local file that has a JA text in the file name / path name, that link will not open up in View Pro using HYPERLINK function 19 R4
ACI0102670 4D View Conversion to 4D View Pro, Issue with converted named cells (if the cell is composed like (AB, AC,...) 19 R4
ACI0102684 Repeated OPEN DATA FILE lead to Server quit 19 R4
ACI0102689 The command 'Split string' returns incorrect collection when using "Char (2)" in the separator parameter. 19 R4 18.6
ACI0102705 When you have EDIT ITEM and single click editing happening at the same time, you can have a cursor in a listbox but text happening in different place. 19 R4
ACI0102707 The "MAIL Convert from MIME" command fails to decode character "é" in the mail subject
ACI0102708 The "MAIL Convert from MIME" command fails to decode character "ç" and some special characters in mail bodyvalue
ACI0102710 4D View Pro: 'VP SET CELL STYLE' with NULL does not remove all backgrounds 19 R4
ACI0102734 Record locking returns wrong username and workstation information after a method is executed on Server 19 R4
ACI0102746 Compiling <>:=0 : Compilation succeeds if compiling for Intel only ; Compilation fails with a bad clang error if compiling for silicon 19 R4
ACI0102748 After backup restore (journal integration) the class connection of object field is lost 19 R4
ACI0102757 Listbox header are not well drawn on macOS
ACI0102780 On Windows, (alt+down arrow key) combination should open/close the list associated to dropdown and combobox objects