All Products 20.1 HF1 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0103234 Wrong message when creating a class MyTableEntity
ACI0103906 Syntax error warning in editor stays until method is saved.
ACI0103971 4D View Pro: it always displays a dot as decimal when using the numeric pad 20 R2 HF1 19.7 HF1
ACI0103989 "Justify" for "text area" and "input" form object is disabled when form is run 20 R2
ACI0103999 Enter key behavior of Button form objects are not the same on Windows 20 R2
ACI0104006 Database settings must be readonly when a .4DZ is opened 19.7
ACI0104011 Form changed to dark mode is rendered badly when opened with DIALOG command 20 R2
ACI0104025 Tab Control which is highlighted looses the text display in "Light" mode under Sonoma 19.7 HF1
ACI0104073 'Form event' command returns invalid text in ".description" property when ".code" property is a negative number 20 R2 19.7 HF1
ACI0104082 4D Write Pro: in the side widget, no option form the "Horizontal size" dropdown list is shown when the display of the background image is changed to "Contain" or "Cover" 20 R2
ACI0104086 Sorting function not working in Moving dialog window 20 R2
ACI0104088 Dropping sleeping users running stored procedures will create duplicate user upon reconnection 19.7 HF1
ACI0104091 Call to FORM GET PROPERTIES changes state of current selected item of listbox. 20 R2
ACI0104096 Offset value not correctly updated after filehandle.readText(): it is set before the stop char and not after as expected 20 R2
ACI0104110 4D may crash when quickly deleting expressions in debugger 20 R2 19.7 HF1
ACI0104122 Japanese entering: tab in and out of focusable listbox object does not restore the Japanese input mode. 19.7 HF1
ACI0104127 OBJECT GET BEST SIZE returns different widths for Buttons 20 R2
ACI0104128 Listbox with arrays and automatic row height property enabled shows a blank section in the bottom after hiding rows via array control 20 R2
ACI0104132 Export dialog: incorrect content shown after uploading .4si file 20 R2
ACI0104134 Syntax error when concatenating boolean expressions in connection with tokens and database fields 20 R2
ACI0104136 Netkit, MS GRAPH API, isLastPage Attribute not working as expected 20 R2
ACI0104141 OBJECT SET FORMAT for changing the Title of an boolean field in a form, does not change 20 R2
ACI0104145 Netkit, MS GRAPH AP, E-mail retrieval provides incorrect information 20 R2
ACI0104147 On Mouse Up not always triggered on Mac OS 20 R2
ACI0104148 The 'ERASE WINDOW' command changes the color of the chars from black to light gray; macOS only. 20 R2 19.7
ACI0104152 xliff references on 3D buttons are not resolved correctly after the cmd object set format 20 R2
ACI0104153 Text Alignment of Input Form Objects Are Not Shown in Form Editor in Project Mode 20 R2
ACI0104155 In collection LISTBOX ,after selected Row with command LISTBOX SELECT ROWS, arrow keys does not select the right rows, instead of selecting the next one after the row selected initially
ACI0104159 Boolean field displayed as radio button incorrectly converts to checkbox when converted to project mode 20 R2
ACI0104161 HTTPRequest.headers accepting a collection value does not work properly with cookies headers
ACI0104171 Font size gets incorrect after moving a text from a screen to another; Retina problem. 20 R2
ACI0104173 Memory corruption using 4D command 'SET ASSERT ENABLED' or global debug log. 20 R2 19.7
ACI0104174 When sending a message with the SMTP transporter without "From" in a mail object, $transporter.send($mail) returns the error "failed to send message" 20 R2 HF1
ACI0104177 Field help tips are no more displayed in project mode 20 R2
ACI0104179 PA_ExecuteCommandByID() modifies unexpectedly pointer parameters 20 R2
ACI0104181 Listbox where cells are filled with svg, experience delay when scrolling and crashs. 20 R2
ACI0104182 4D Write Pro: in the side widget, in the "Pictures and text boxes" tab, an error is thrown when we click the "Insert image formula" menu item
ACI0104187 A crash may happen on calling the 4D command 'Get process activity'.
ACI0104191 When the 'Encrypt Client-Server Communications' option is ON, disconnection errors could occur on the '4D Remote' side after a postponed state of a process; potentially, it leads to memory corruption. 20 R2 19.7
ACI0104194 Auto-complete suggestions, for instance while typing parameters for the command "QUERY", don't place Tables names at the top (as it use to with 4D v19.x) 20 R2
ACI0104195 4D Write Pro - Unexpected error occurs when a selection is made in a document and when distinct units or settings are found in this selection. 20 R2
ACI0104196 4D Write Pro: error when pasting background 20 R2
ACI0104204 4D.FileHandle offset starts at 1 instead of zero 20 R2 20 R3
ACI0104205 4D.FileHandle.readText() reads at file start instead of current offset 20 R2 20 R3
ACI0104206 4D.FileHandle.readBlob() throws an error when reading beyond the end of the file 20 R2 20 R3
ACI0104207 4D.FileHandle.readBlob() returns undefined when reading at invalid offset 20 R2 20 R3
ACI0104208 4D.FileHandle.readText() returns undefined when reading beyond end of file 20 R2 20 R3
ACI0104213 When you try to drag and drop picture into input with entity given via Form object, input does not accept drop 20 R2
ACI0104214 Crash while Print Form and calculated attribute 20 R2
ACI0104229 The popup arrow in a toolbar button is drawn truncated when icon and texte are larger than button width 20 R2
ACI0104235 Bad optimisation on a complex queries with relation and OR operator which may generate abnormal slowness on certain queries 20 R2
ACI0104236 A crash could occur in 4D plugin sdk when reading a string variable 20 R2
ACI0104237 Compiler error when assigning ternary expression to undeclared variable 20 R2
ACI0104251 'HTTP Request' takes about 2 min to finish when keep-alive option is enabled and response has status code 204 (No content/body) 20 R3
ACI0104262 The command 'SET BLOB CACHE PRIORITY' could generate a crash if called from the 'Startup' method and indexing took place when the database was launched
ACI0104270 FileHandle .readLine() command skips the first line 20 R2 20 R3
ACI0104273 Printing process is waiting for a another process. When a 4D process is aborted or stop from the debugger while a print job is started, 4D continues to consider the process to have an open printing job 20 R3
ACI0104278 4D View Pro: The 'editChange' action is not triggered when tabbing from one cell to another. 20 R3
ACI0104279 4D View Pro: Slow document import in zone 4D View Pro if it contains formatters with "@" character. 20 R3
ACI0104295 Filehandle.readLine() does not read to the end of the file if there is no breaks in the text 20 R3
ACI0104302 FileHandle eof is set to true with fopen("write"). It should be false 20 R2 20 R3
ACI0104310 Window type 'Movable form dialog box' has no close box on macOS only when the form has fixed width/height 20 R3