All Products 18.5 HF5 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0100938 Quick Report: choosing a format for one cell, set it unexpectedly also to the label on the head of the line 19.1 HF1
ACI0101791 The 4D command 'BUILD APPLICATION' launched in the 'On startup' method, doesn't generate the error file. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0101929 Quick Report: editing a cross-table, if you click on a cell contextual button to make appeared the pop-up window associated, this one is unexpectedly moved to the left. 19.1 HF1
ACI0102197 User license not released on Server when the client executed a stored procedure and has been disconnected 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102310 HTTP Request returns Error #17 randomly. In a loop, the same HTTP Requests are made to an API repeatedly, most of the time successful. But sometimes returns “Unimplemented control instruction” error. 19.1
ACI0102374 Type of Row Control Array set as a Longint Array returns Boolean Array (22) in interpreted mode 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102397 Wrong manuel line selection in a listbox with single click edit enabled 19.1 HF1
ACI0102418 Automatic Row Height Listbox can have a row cut off in the middle when printing via print object command 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102447 'RESOLVE POINTER' called in a preemptive component process, fails to retrieve the host database pointer information 19.1 HF1
ACI0102454 4D Server may quit unexpectedly when running a preemptive method that executes a SQL statement which calls on a function. 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102468 Maximizing dialog with fixed width and height causes button to disappear 19.1 HF1
ACI0102472 Not all methods are published in WSDL consistently, reloading WSDL will change the number of published methods. 19.1 HF1
ACI0102479 If a "Narrow No-Break Space" character is set as a separator (to group the digits), the display for a number which contains more than 3 digits is wrong. 19 R3 19.1
ACI0102534 'Entityselection' are not always released on the server when 4D Remote quit 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102553 Automatic Row Height Listbox can have a row cut off when dispay or print 19.1 HF1
ACI0102558 In client-server mode, Entity selections are not released after the entity and its related entity are converted to a collection with .toCollection(); it creates then memory leaks. 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102572 Leaks with entity selections and the command 'Create Entity Selection' 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102575 When created in a binary database, a listbox/header/Picture Section/Source property is empty 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102576 Conversion of binary to project does not export empty property listbox/header/Picture Section/Source 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102622 After the warning "Table is encrypted but some blobs are not" from the MSC, it seems impossible to re-encrypt them (BLOBs stored in date file) by encrypting the data again. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102379 The command "IMAP_MsgLst" doesn't retrieve well the written of some subject fields 19 R4 19.1 HF1