All Products 19.1 HF1 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0098106 'COLLECTION TO ARRAY' doesn't automatically convert properly dates value (see chapter 'Converting collections to arrays' in the documentation)
ACI0100938 Quick Report: choosing a format for one cell, set it unexpectedly also to the label on the head of the line 18.5 HF5
ACI0100940 Quick Report: in the list of the cells format, the format "<None>" is selected even if a format is defined. 19 R3 18.5 HF4
ACI0101929 Quick Report: editing a cross-table, if you click on a cell contextual button to make appeared the pop-up window associated, this one is unexpectedly moved to the left. 18.5 HF5
ACI0101959 With project mode hover the object does not display the help tip text but the resource reference instead
ACI0101994 Vertical alignment in a listbox is slighly too high when there is a choice list in the cell
ACI0102164 4D server admin window - magnifying glass overlaps text entry
ACI0102185 'SVG_Get_version' command return always 0.0
ACI0102197 User license not released on Server when the client executed a stored procedure and has been disconnected 19 R4 18.5 HF5
ACI0102290 A crash may occur using querying in a empty collection. 19 R4
ACI0102341 The command 'WP INSÉRER FORMULE' (in french only) is not recognized by the 4D method editor
ACI0102354 When splitting a statement, any variables partially typed in any of the lines besides the first line to initiate a type-ahead will also include the newly partially typed variable itself.
ACI0102368 First page quickly shown despite 'GOTO PAGE' to another page is executed in 'On load form' event. 19 R3
ACI0102374 Type of Row Control Array set as a Longint Array returns Boolean Array (22) in interpreted mode 19 R4 18.5 HF5
ACI0102380 When the data language is Japanese, case insensitve is implied with Compare strings 19 R4
ACI0102397 Wrong manuel line selection in a listbox with single click edit enabled 18.5 HF5
ACI0102418 Automatic Row Height Listbox can have a row cut off in the middle when printing via print object command 19 R4 18.5 HF5
ACI0102431 Method editor: brackets are not highlighted when they are in a comment.
ACI0102440 Converted WR documents with TIFF on at least 2 pages bring "unknown error" when printed 18.5 HF4
ACI0102446 Compilation of code fails if there is a syntax like "a[[b.c]]" ; example with these 3 lines of code : "var $a : Text", "var $b : Object", "$a:=$a[[$b.c]". 19 R3
ACI0102447 'RESOLVE POINTER' called in a preemptive component process, fails to retrieve the host database pointer information 18.5 HF5
ACI0102451 Memory leak in IMAP_transporter
ACI0102454 4D Server may quit unexpectedly when running a preemptive method that executes a SQL statement which calls on a function. 19 R4 18.5 HF5
ACI0102457 'MAIL Convert from MIME' crashes when parsing certain eml files. 19 R3 18.5 HF4
ACI0102465 Hierchical listbox font proprety bold and italic doesn't work.
ACI0102467 Pointer as parameter to a method, and get it in $1 as C_VARIANT crashes engined application (mono and client) 19 R3
ACI0102468 Maximizing dialog with fixed width and height causes button to disappear 18.5 HF5
ACI0102472 Not all methods are published in WSDL consistently, reloading WSDL will change the number of published methods. 18.5 HF5
ACI0102486 Style sheet name after export from binary mode to project mode corrupted if starting with a digit
ACI0102487 "entity.fromObject( )" command, on Windows only, badly resets the "N to 1"related attribute of "N" table to the value of the "1" related attribute
ACI0102506 Cannot activate 4D licenses if the 4D account fields contain an accented character 19 R3 19 R4
ACI0102524 It is not possible to use a 4DLOOP statement after a 4DEACH statement in a web page 19 R4
ACI0102529 After converted database in project mode when you open database with v19 , the help tips name in the propertie list of an object is displays as "[object Object]"
ACI0102530 Creating a record in an empty table, under transaction, may cause 4D to crash after doing an 'ORDER BY' or 'LISTBOX SORT COLUMNS' on an indexed field (it happens when the '.4dd' file is newly created). 19 R4
ACI0102533 When building a compiled application, an old "lib4d-arm64.dylib" file may not be replace by the new one as it should. 19 R3 19 R4
ACI0102534 'Entityselection' are not always released on the server when 4D Remote quit 19 R4 18.5 HF5
ACI0102536 When deleting unvalidated Japanese text (in IME), deleting last unvalidated character will also delete adjacent validated character. 19 R3 19 R4
ACI0102537 Printing Labels with virtual structure does not print field values but field names 19 R4
ACI0102549 Unexpected internal error when compiling for Mac-Silicon when using a value in a expression (no problem if the value replaced by a variable) 19 R4
ACI0102553 Automatic Row Height Listbox can have a row cut off when dispay or print 18.5 HF5
ACI0102556 The compilation fails on a Mac-Silicon if method name is in Japanese, and with more than 3 letters long. 19 R4
ACI0102558 In client-server mode, Entity selections are not released after the entity and its related entity are converted to a collection with .toCollection(); it creates then memory leaks. 19 R4 18.5 HF5
ACI0102565 Formula with pointer, like " Formula(gPtr->:=2) ", is misinterpreted 19 R3 19 R4
ACI0102566 folders() returns path with "///" prefix on mac, instead of "/". 19 R3 19 R4
ACI0102572 Leaks with entity selections and the command 'Create Entity Selection' 19 R4 18.5 HF5
ACI0102574 Converting to project mode removes splash images defined in picture library. 19 R4
ACI0102575 When created in a binary database, a listbox/header/Picture Section/Source property is empty 19 R4 18.5 HF5
ACI0102576 Conversion of binary to project does not export empty property listbox/header/Picture Section/Source 19 R4 18.5 HF5
ACI0102577 Button title modification in the property list not saved if the form is closed without validating the button title area 19 R4
ACI0102578 'WP Get position' returns wrong left bound. 19 R4
ACI0102379 The command "IMAP_MsgLst" doesn't retrieve well the written of some subject fields 19 R4 18.5 HF5
ACI0102462 4D IC command 'FTP_GetDirList' and 'FTP_GetFileInfo' fail with FileZilla Server.