All Products 18 R5 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0097765 In the toolbox dialog, filters part, the combobox in the test area lose it's data and return to "Numeric" after swiching from a filter to another. 18.3 HF1
ACI0098523 The form is closed on Prev/Next record when area has focus and refuses deselect 18.3
ACI0099073 A relation name (ONE or MANY) paste from the inspector window in the relation area, is not saved if the inspector is closed without entering a character 18.3 HF1
ACI0099483 Autocompletion of some 4D commands (with only optional parameters, like BEEP, Application version, ...) adds the parenthesis automatically at the end ; but this can lead to an error when executing them, or compiling them. 18 R4 18.2 HF2
ACI0100004 Some dictionary languages like French and Norwegian share the same numeric ID 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0100306 4D Write Pro: changing the page margins from the right widget doesn't have any effect on the document. 18 R4 18.2 HF2
ACI0100359 Quick report doesn't allow exchanging between columns in Subform 18.3
ACI0100555 The method 'getMail' of POP3 Transporter returns null for the second mail received using the server hMailServer. 18 R2
ACI0100619 Comment automatic settings in database settings shall be hidden in project mode 18.3
ACI0100639 A non focusable and non tabable object gets the focus anyway with dynamic form or when the database is converted into project mode 18.3 HF2
ACI0100668 In project mode, switching applications (like 4D to Windows, Windows to 4D) can distort Menu's content in Toolbox dialog. 18 R3 18.2
ACI0100675 On Mac Backup status returns error 1409 even when it contains a broken link in an attached folder and 4D doesn't perform a partial backup . 18.2 HF2
ACI0100737 Backup: the setting "If backup fails... Retry after x time" not saved. 18.3 HF1 17.5
ACI0100803 4D Write Pro: Write Pro table formatting with thick borders shows white space, or the background color shines through. 18 R3 18 R4 18.2 HF1
ACI0100812 4D writes into internal files ('catalog.4DCatalog', 'preferences.4DPreferences', ....) even if no modification is done. This leads git applications to consider this situation as a modification whereas the user didn't make any.
ACI0100840 4D Write Pro: Bad first page number of a section ; each section should have its own Page 1. 18.2 HF1
ACI0100841 4D Write Pro: Unexpected bad style id an exported document from 4D Write Pro to '.docx' document (color, underline, ...). 18.2 HF1
ACI0100869 The object returned by the "toObject()" method used with filters does not contain the relatedEntities attribute if the filter contains a relatedEntity attribute. On C/S mode only, 18 R4 18.2 HF2 17.4 HF2
ACI0100880 [144144] Running spell checking command on a text variable with autospellcheck as checked doesn't display the dialog appropriately
ACI0100884 In Client/Server mode the picture size is wrong with ORDA picture attribute. 18.3 HF3
ACI0100890 In label editor when you load an old 32-bit label file, there is an unexpected error # -9930, "... error in 'Editor_ON_DATA_CHANGE' method, on line 286. There is no attribute with this name for this element.". 18 R3 18 R4 18.2 HF1
ACI0100901 When the 4D command "SQL LOAD RECORD" loads a field that has NULL value in an Array Text, 4D quits unexpectedly. 18.3 HF1 17.5
ACI0100904 Local variables may unexpectedly lost their value when several processes are running. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0100907 4D View Pro: the 4D command "VP Convert from 4D View" is not thread safe so it can not be run in preemptive processes. 18 R4 18.2 HF2
ACI0100909 Using down arrow key in a listbox selects the first item instead of selecting the next one. 18 R4 18.3 HF1 17.5
ACI0100921 Entity selection listbox does not get chosen value in current item but collection listbox does 18.2 HF2
ACI0100924 4D Write Pro: copying style using the right widget does not copy the font family as well. 18.2 HF2
ACI0100925 4D Write Pro: Ruler tabulations can be moved by dragging them. By default, they stick to graduations. Yet, using a modifier key (ALT or CTRL) doesn't allow to move a tab more accurately, as we could with 4D Write plugin. 18.2 HF1
ACI0100926 Component '4D Progress': the use of the method 'Progress SET ON STOP METHOD' bring an unexpected error #-9996 ("Stack is full ..."). 18.3 HF1
ACI0100937 Links to embedded anchors in method markdown do not work correctly 18 R4
ACI0100942 Coloured button does not gray out when disabled in v18 18.2 HF2
ACI0100946 In project mode only, group visual boundaries not redrawn in the form editor after resizing or moving an object that belongs to the group
ACI0100951 4D Write Pro: an expression is not completly removed from a Write Pro document when backspace is used. 18 R4 18.2 HF2
ACI0100955 Import boolean field using a checkBox in the input form, after database conversion from binary mode to project mode, does not work. 18.2 HF2
ACI0100956 The "< Min" function in the quick report editor does not work with a column with date values 18.3
ACI0100961 Click on tab element not taken into account if the tab has an icon and the click is done just below the text 18 R3 18 R4
ACI0100964 4D View Pro: Exporting converted view doc to View Pro, and then to '.xlsx', can results in an Excel error message when opening it. 18 R4 18.2 HF2
ACI0100968 Bad display of vertical automatic scroll bar in listbox: there is a white (mac) or gray (win) rectangle at the top of the scroll bar 18.2 HF2
ACI0100970 Using 'OBJECT DUPLICATE' on a listbox may lead 4D to quit unexpectedly. 18 R3 18 R4 18.2 HF1
ACI0100971 [144047] v18 server/client repeatedly becomes non-responsive due to Storage blocking progression 18.3 HF1
ACI0100972 The dateSeparator is not modified by default in the current culture of 4D View Pro 18 R4
ACI0100974 Using the command 'MAIL Convert from MIME', the 'body' part of the object returned is empty. 18.3 HF1
ACI0100980 The method getMail of POP3 Transporter returns null using the server hMailServer 18 R4
ACI0100981 4D Write Pro: crash using 'This.pageCount', only if expression returns only a end of line and if expression is juste before a end of line too. 18 R3 18 R4 18.2 HF2 17.4 HF2
ACI0100991 4D Write Pro: an image placeholder is displayed instead of the image on exported '.Docx' or '.pdf' when the image is copied into 4D Write Pro document. MacOS Only. 18 R4 18.2 HF2
ACI0100996 Creating table while importing data display an error 9935 18.3
ACI0100998 Having two tables with N-to-1 relation, foreign key to primary key in a SQL statement, inner join T2 on T2.foreign_key = T1.primary_key, and use group by statement, leads error 1002 (SQLS) in Begin SQL results. 18.3 HF1
ACI0101004 Compiler message is using the wrong encoding for object method path that is a field with Japanese name 18.3
ACI0101012 4D Write Pro: the exported MIME document doesn't open on browser and isn't sent correctly by email. MacOS only. 18 R4 18.2 HF2
ACI0101014 "Rename Method" menu in Explorer does not rename the method name in Expression of a form object 18.3
ACI0101024 4D View Pro: after converting a 4D View document to 4D View Pro, the bottom border and the borders on the right (first column) of the cells are missing. 18 R4 18.2 HF2
ACI0101035 A button in a footer area of an " Output form (displayed by MODIFY SELECTION) " does not react to a click (sometimes) 18.3 HF3
ACI0101036 Error when executing an orderByFormula within a datastore class in client/server 18 R4
ACI0101037 Method editor: auto-completion of constants does not work correctly
ACI0101045 4D Write Pro: On Mac, after choosing the font 'Times', the text becomes bold in a 4D Write Pro area. 18.2 HF2
ACI0101050 Color of Progress indicator labels not set in JSON form editor 18.2 HF2
ACI0101051 Under Windows, some characters cannot be typed in the text area of a form (such as "@", "€"). 18.3 HF2
ACI0101059 4D Write Pro: 4D is very slow at opening a large imported write pro document 18.3 17.5
ACI0101061 When creating a listbox in project mode, the "movableRows" property is missing in the object definition in the "form.4DForm" file. 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101065 "BUILD" button in the 'BUILD APPLICATION' window remains disabled when the "Build component" option is checked.
ACI0101066 Hang with the command 'MAIL Convert from MIME' when no CRLF in the 'Mime' parameter. 18 R4 18.2 HF2
ACI0101067 MAIL Convert from MIME returns wrong time 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101069 'VP Get value' and 'VP SET VALUES' by Name do not work correctly when the cell name has been created with the scope 'vk workbook' 18 R4 18.3 HF1
ACI0101075 The command RECEIVE PACKET with 4D 64 bits is much slower compared to 4D 32 bits 18.3 HF1 17.5
ACI0101079 Can't edit the vertical margin of a form using the geometry tab of the form property 18.3 HF1
ACI0101088 Deleting the line below a folded block can crashes 4D. 18 R4
ACI0101093 Combo box not displaying all the elements correctly too an arrow in macOS 18.3
ACI0101106 In Project mode, Listbox set to data source of a 'Use Named Selection' does not work. Data may not be displayed. 18 R4 18.3 HF1
ACI0101112 'This' in a entitySelection-class-function has always a length of 0 18 R4
ACI0101113 Memory leak and crashing bug with READ PICTURE FILE and filling a huge picture array in a loop 18 R4
ACI0101115 4D crashs when storing svg with a size smaller than 500 byte outside of the data file. 18.3 HF1
ACI0101116 If you have a Japanese text in the component database, you get an error when using host in compiled mode 18.3 HF1
ACI0101117 4D Write Pro: setting the left padding of a text with some lines that contains tabs will not save the padding for the lines with the tabs 18.3
ACI0101119 4D Write Pro: copy a line of text with a converted style sheet (Write to Write Pro), 4D duplicates the style sheet with a new name 18.3
ACI0101121 Converting to Project Mode breaks "Prompt If Related One Does Not Exist" option. 18 R4 18.3
ACI0101126 Quick Report: if clicking on the header of a Quick Report area (in a form) when the type is defined as 'cross report', unexpected errors (9852, 9853) could appear. 18 R4 18.3 HF1
ACI0101127 After a VALIDATE TRANSACTION, an Entity can be successfully locked in two different processes (4D Mono only). 18 R4 18.3 HF1
ACI0101128 Crash WP Get formulas when passing a null-object 18 R4
ACI0101131 4D Write Pro: it is not possible to insert text above a table at the beginning of a 4D Write Pro document. 18.3
ACI0101135 'LISTBOX SET PROPERTY' + 'lk named selection' does not work in project mode after conversion from Binary mode to Project mode. 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101137 MAIL Convert from MIME no more takes diacriticals for attachments into account 18 R4 18.3
ACI0101141 drop(dk force drop if stamp changed) in transaction return 'Success' but the entity is not dropped 18 R4 18.3 HF1
ACI0101143 Form editor is getting slow with lots of forms objects. Project mode only. 18.3 HF1
ACI0101151 When grouping vertical or horizontal lines, the group boundaries are not correctly drawn: the boundaries do not enclose all the objects 18.3 HF1
ACI0101159 Converting a binary database to project mode breaks the 'relation' auto-wildcard support. 18 R4 18.3
ACI0101163 Select document works wrong with a dot in the folder path in windows 18.3 HF1
ACI0101176 IMAP commands cannot properly authenticate on iCloud Server 18 R4
ACI0101182 4D freezes after clicking on the contextual menu of a large WP imported document. 18.3 HF1 17.5
ACI0101191 File and Folder commands ignore the star param with filesystem paths
ACI0101194 Plugin area border line style not drawn in Design mode of a JSON form
ACI0101204 Runtime explorer not available on merged application 18.3 HF1
ACI0101209 Entity selection listbox shows different user selected data sources if used in a form or in a subform 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101211 MAIL Convert from MIME, PDF attachment missing 18.3 HF1
ACI0101212 'MAIL Convert from MIME': content of ID pictures get lost 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101217 Using "Import data from file..." menu item then switching to a table with a single field throws "Error code: 215 (xbox)" 18.3 HF2
ACI0101218 Import data from file doesn't populate the ship_to field when table number is missing 18.3 HF2
ACI0101220 Listbox footer font not rendered correctly at runtime mode (Ok in Design mode), when the CSS class is applied at listbox object level.
ACI0101223 The export to PDF of 4D view Pro document with picture returned by 4D functions does not work properly 18.3 HF1
ACI0101227 'Required' and 'Excluded' lists, applied to a field, no longer work (Since v18.0 Hotfix 1). 18 R4 18.3 HF1
ACI0101234 FORM SCREENSHOT omits last record on OUTPUT FORM 18.3 HF2
ACI0101239 Cannot set a user font name that is not present in the current platform
ACI0101240 Label editor: Concatenate values in a label doesn't work : in the preview, only the first operand is displayed. 18.3 HF1
ACI0101242 client application crashs if not sign
ACI0101246 Project mode very slow for "Search references" in a method after 4D brought to back and to front again 18.3 HF2
ACI0101254 When deleting a form (and emptying the trash), its objects methods are not deleted. The MSC detect them as orphan objects. 18 R4 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101259 Mail Attachment object is not shareable between processes 18.3 HF1
ACI0101261 The transparency property for the hierarchical list is not kept when the database is converted to a project 18.3 HF1
ACI0101272 The link opens twice when you click on it in "About" dialog.
ACI0101273 The French version of 4D does not recognize the constant "mail disposition en pièce-jointe" of the 4D French command "MAIL Créer pièce jointe". 18.3 HF3
ACI0101274 Administration window menu is disabled in Client - server mode.
ACI0101276 'OBJECT SET LIST BY NAME ' doesn't work on variables in project mode. 18 R4 18.3 HF1
ACI0101280 4D View Pro: Loss of formulas when opening a converted 4D View document (converted to 4D View Pro thanks to 'VP Convert from 4D View') in a 4D View Pro area. 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101287 A memory leak could happened in a 'For each ()' loop when the first element of the collection is affected to a variable. 18 R4 18.3 HF1
ACI0101288 In a embedded web area, the scroll wheel and hover may not work. 18 R4 18.3 HF1
ACI0101291 On C/S mode only the dataClass.fromCollection() class function doesn't return a shareable and non modifiable entity selection
ACI0101293 'Get system info' returns wrong number of cores when used on a VM (Virtual Machine) with several processors. 18.3 HF1
ACI0101294 4D View Pro: The sheet index begins at 1 instead of 0 for the command 'VP Convert to picture'. 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101296 Attempting to connect to a remote DS where an exposed table has a relation to a non-exposed table causes error
ACI0101298 The event 'On Data change' get activated once unexpectedly when loosing focus on a variable area that has a background color and if the command 'OBJECT SET RGB COLORS' is called. 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101304 On macOS 11.x (Big Sur), 4D generates a crash report when quitting application that just displayed a web area before.
ACI0101305 'OBJECT GET SCROLL POSITION' with auto row height property starts at 0 instead of 1. 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101308 'MAIL convert from MIME' does not convert the subject correctly. 18.3 HF2
ACI0101312 Update time in runtime explorer ('Watch' pane) is not taken into account. 18.3 HF2
ACI0101315 A memory leaks could happen with 'collection.query()', when the compator "IN" is used 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101317 4D Write pro saved via ORDA doesn't work in Client/Server mode. 18.3 HF2
ACI0101318 Wrong behaviour of the "@" joker in a search using "IN" and "@" on an object property. 18.3 HF3
ACI0101319 4DVP with wordWrap exports wrong SVG picture
ACI0101323 Command 'WEB Get server info' doesn't return current settings. 18.4
ACI0101328 [Write Pro] - The tab "Images" in the top toolbar is badly named in French
ACI0101330 On Mac platform, if you have a style sheet with 'system font' and you apply this style sheet with bold property to an object, the style isn't correctly applied.
ACI0101334 [Write Pro] - Lists in an exported word document are not displayed correctly in Microsoft Word
ACI0101336 4D may crash when quitting the application on macOS 11.x (Big Sur) after displaying the structure editor. 18.3 HF2
ACI0101338 Crash when adding a space character in the variable declaration using multiline syntax
ACI0101350 When replace a Label setting file (*.4lbp), it is not replaced, a new file is created with duplicated 4lbp in the file name 18.3 HF3
ACI0101361 The 4D command 'SHOW PROCESS' makes the screen blinking on each call, by displaying and hiding the process window.
ACI0101363 Mime email parser fails when the From value contains a comma 18.3 HF2
ACI0101364 First call to 'DELAY PROCESS' inside a worker is ignored. However, the call is taken into account if a UI command like "Open window" is invoked. 18.3 HF3
ACI0101365 Sliding splitters in a list form may not work anymore. 18.3 HF3
ACI0101366 On macOS 11.x (Big Sur), after a download you can't launch 4D: "Cannot open "" because the developer cannot be verified."; macOS cannot verify that this app contains no malware. 18.4
ACI0101371 'FORM Convert to dynamic' doesn't load object methods in a '.4DC' database. 18.3 HF2
ACI0101374 Wrong date in 4D View Pro. Exemple: the date '26/10/2020' in 4D View Pro is updated automatically to '25/10/2020'. 18.4
ACI0101376 __LockerID for the signal native shared object is not correctly assigned
ACI0101379 WRITE PICTURE FILE displays bad picture extension (*.4pct) for the default file name (*.gif) 18.3 HF2
ACI0101380 4D View Pro: Importing 'csv' file from the interface doesn’t support special characters like"\t" in column and row delimiter. 18.3 HF2
ACI0101386 The implementation of SSO (Single Sign On) in client-server on Windows system crashes the server 18.3 HF3
ACI0101397 In Label editor, when you use a form to print and uncheck the Auto Resize option, the column setting is ignored 18.3 HF3
ACI0101402 OBJECT SET FORMAT command to modify 3D image button doesn't work anymore under Mac OS
ACI0101413 "GET BACKUP INFORMATION(Next backup date; info1; info2)" retuns the structure backup info instead of the users when executing on 4D in remote mode (client side). 18.3 HF3
ACI0101414 'MAIL Convert from MIME' failed to parse "name" parameter in Content-Disposition 18.3 HF3
ACI0101416 On Mac when the preview is selected by a user, it is kept when a new print is launched via WP Print 18.3 HF2
ACI0101418 Listbox: On Before Keystroke is not fired when selecting items
ACI0101430 'COPY NAMED SELECTION', when used on a selection, with a list box based on that selection, it distorts the current selection after click on the Up or Down arrow keys. 17.5 18.3 HF3
ACI0101435 Checkbox and Radio button display issue with height less than 15: it is cut off on the left side. 18.3 HF3
ACI0101438 On before keystroke can change field contents not like expected
ACI0101439 New feature "is editing text" does not distinguish field and type ahead in entity-selection-listboxes
ACI0101443 The minus sign ('-') in an expression attribute of an object is parsed as underscore ('_') in a project database 18.3 HF3
ACI0101446 On macOS 11.x (Big Sur), the keyboard shortcut Cmd+Period is not recognized. 18.4
ACI0101458 #DECLARE receives corrupted parameters when used a callback in collection function
ACI0101464 Listbox "resizingMode" attribute not handled by CSS
ACI0101470 The combobox entry area bites on their rounded outline; macOS 11.x only (Big Sur). 18.4
ACI0101473 On Windows system, in Print Job context, an empty PDF file is created after canceled file creation windows. Ths file should not be empty, but the 'OK' variable must have its value to 0. 18.3 HF3
ACI0101474 4D Write Pro: Certain font cannot be assigned in old converted documents 18.3 HF3
ACI0101478 ORDA: Entity Selection and related attribute do not load properly with commas in data 18.3 HF3
ACI0101489 4D View Pro: impossible to paste a copied or cut cell to another cell with the usual shortcut Cmd+V on macOS.
ACI0101494 In binary mode, in listbox header property list, when selecting the Image source "File" 4D just closes unexpectedly. 18 R6
ACI0101501 Structure editor: Changing a field name or a relation name through the Inspector palette could not be effective. 18.4
ACI0101509 Changing the listbox data source from "Named selection" into "Current selection" resets some columns information unexpectedly.
ACI0101533 With v18R5 and upper versions the list of object names contains combined names of other objects names.
ACI0101550 #DECLARE returns a syntax error
ACI0101553 Hang and High CPU usage with 'LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS'. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101594 [145248] The return parameter of a method using the #DECLARE declaration does not work correctly 18 R6
ACI0101600 Some network disconnections could happen when a reconnection is asked after a postponed. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0101608 A 'Verify Data' after a 'Data Encryption' returns a wrong Error. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0098362 4D Internet Commands: 'MSG_HasAttach' does not recognize certain attachments, in the case of ".eml" files. 18.3 HF3
ACI0100416 Command SMTP_Attachment crashes 4D Client when called from a component in a merged 4D application 18.2 HF1 17.4 HF2
ACI0101063 Because of the plugin 4D Internet commands (provided by default in 4D package), 4D crashes when opening/creating the database with certain Japanese character in the pathname ("方" or "油" or "乳"...). 18.3 17.5
ACI0101175 4D Internet Commands: 'IMAP_SetPrefs' and 'POP3_SetPrefs' return error if umlauts are in folder names. 18.3 HF3
ACI0101486 4D Internet Commands: Error #-38 for 'IMAP_MsgLst' with umlauts in path name. 18 R6 18.4
ACI0100700 After updating a text field through ODBC, with data containing quotation marks, the quotation marks become brackets once saved in the database 18 R4 18.2 HF1