All Products 18 R4 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0099483 Autocompletion of some 4D commands (with only optional parameters, like BEEP, Application version, ...) adds the parenthesis automatically at the end ; but this can lead to an error when executing them, or compiling them. 18.2 HF2
ACI0099944 Define a variable type automatically as a variant doesn't work correctly when compiling. For instance, "execute on server("M1";0;Var_01)" can not define 'Var_01' as a Variant. 18.2 HF1
ACI0100306 4D Write Pro: changing the page margins from the right widget doesn't have any effect on the document. 18.2 HF2
ACI0100442 'WEB SERVICE GET RESULT' might make the application quit when you pass a text array to the web service 18.2 HF1
ACI0100487 Background image is not displayed in 4D v18 when setting it using the select library picture in the Tool Box. 18.2
ACI0100556 Cannot enter euro '€' character in an input field of a Webarea, with embedded web engine, on Windows platform. 17.4 HF1 18.2
ACI0100564 ORDA: datastore.cancel transaction() member function doesn't unlock the dropped entities during the transaction. 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100571 POP3 Transporter methods may freeze if the server is Exchange or Dovecot (no problems with GMail). 18 R2 18 R3
ACI0100574 4D View Pro is very slow (10seconds to edit a cell ) if virtual structure is used (lots of tables and fields).
ACI0100593 Debug log does not log parameters of compiled component methods. 18 R3 18.1 HF1
ACI0100622 Different behavior with dataClass.get(), when the retrieved entity is null, between client/server (each entity attribute is set to null) and single user (the global entity object is null) 18.2 HF1
ACI0100629 The space in the subject of the email transporter log is coded as a space not as "_"as it should be. 18 R3 18.2
ACI0100631 4D Write Pro: the event "On data change" isn't triggered when you insert an expression 18 R3 18.1 HF1
ACI0100632 4D Write Pro: the event on Data change is triggered when the 4D write pro page is zoomed 18 R3 18.1 HF1
ACI0100649 PA_GetKey does not provide plugin with precomposed characters when using dead keys 18.2 HF1 17.4 HF2
ACI0100656 Crash at launching 4D if system primary language is Hungarian. 18.2
ACI0100678 Email transporter - HTML encoding - When both htmlBody and textBody are defined, the textBody is displayed in the sent email and not the htmlBody. 18 R3 18.1 HF1
ACI0100680 By moving a window, while editing a field, from a Retina screen to a non-Retina screen, background colors may disappear. 18 R3 18.1 HF1
ACI0100681 SQL command "LEFT OUTER JOIN" may return 1 unexpected extra record. 18.2 17.4 HF2
ACI0100696 When JA text conversion window is shown upwards (to be fully displayed, at a bottom of the screen), it covers the text wich prevents you from seeing what is being typed. 18.2 HF1 17.4 HF2
ACI0100698 Collapse/expand and disclosure buttons icons do not change when changing their values 18.2 HF1
ACI0100703 While writing parameters in a 4D command, the 'type ahead' can show according constants. It may go wrong in showing unexpectedly methods and 4D commands first, and then constants at the end. Constants should be in first position.
ACI0100706 The picture operator "*|"returns a syntax error in the compilation 18.2
ACI0100707 4D Write Pro: after a conversion from 4D Write to 4D Write Pro, expression can be lost if there is a HTML parameter. 18 R3 18.1 HF1
ACI0100708 Updater don't use the right service name on Windows 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100715 Several memory leaks with entity relations, specific to Standalone mode, and to Client/Server mode have been fixed. 18 R2 18 R3 18.1 HF1
ACI0100722 When you give as a parameter a constant like "Build application log file" to the 4D command "File", an error "-9851 Invalid parameter number 1" pops up. 18.2 HF1
ACI0100723 If you are using page numbers in a Large 4D Write Pro document, it becomes slower when you are scrolling down the pages of the documents. 18.2
ACI0100725 SMTP transporter: CRLF ("\ r \ n") encoded in Quoted-Printable is unexpectedly "= 0D = 0D" 18 R3 18.2 HF2
ACI0100726 A user session still visible after an abrupt client disconnection is not removed automatically when the same 4D remote try to reconnect. 18 R3 18.1 HF1
ACI0100727 After converting a database from v16.x to a upper version, the action standard of a checkbox is set to "accept" 18.2 HF1
ACI0100731 Incorrect table list displayed by the "Builder for entity selection list box", where only tables with property "Expose as REST resource" set to True are shown 18 R2 18 R3
ACI0100732 4D Write Pro: seperated paragraphs, with borders, in a 4D Write Pro document become joined paragraphs when exported in '.docx' document. 18 R3 18.1 HF1
ACI0100735 Classes: changing the order of declaration (function then the constructor) create an error in execution 18 R3
ACI0100740 4D Write Pro: background color, subscript and superscript styles are not exported correctly to HTML. 18 R3 18.1 HF1
ACI0100741 4D may crash on restoring a backup. In Project mode only. 18.1 HF1
ACI0100748 The command 'Get database parameter', with selector 34, returns wrong value if the 2nd parameter equals to 0 (default value). 18 R3 18.1 HF1
ACI0100749 Create Entity Selection from a component in Client / Server mode does not work. It raises an unexpected error # -10716. 18.2
ACI0100756 'OB Is empty' returns True for a non-empty object containing a 4D formula 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100757 In a 4D Write Pro document with many bookmarks or many custom properties, when you type a text, there is a lag between the keystrokes and the text's display. 18.2
ACI0100760 4D View Pro: in a 4D View Pro area, on the first edit of area, the event"On After Edit" is not triggered after the first letter. It's triggered until the second one. 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100774 Focus lost on a listbox when displaying a file in the Web Area 18.2 HF1
ACI0100775 Administrator can't delete users in project mode. No problem on binary mode. 18.1 HF1
ACI0100779 Cannot save records in table if the table had no records while encrypting 18.2 HF1
ACI0100782 4D Server hangs if we quit it using the 4D command 'QUIT 4D' and there is still some datastore sessions opened. 18 R3 18.2 HF2
ACI0100783 Error displayed when opening a data file with an built OEM server, using a structure in Project mode. 18 R3 18.2
ACI0100788 4D Application may unexpectedly quit on 'TRANSFORM PICTURE' when using the constant 'Crop', depending the 'crop' parameters values. 18 R3
ACI0100793 An ORDA query on a related attributes (1 to N) with a mix of ANDs and ORs could not return the correct result. 18 R3 18.2
ACI0100794 4D Embedded Web area (CEF) can't load https web page when the certificate is not trusted 18.2 HF1
ACI0100795 'DOM Find XML element' does not find elements if the XPath syntax contains an element with "-" (hyphen) in its name (like "trans-unit" element) 18 R3
ACI0100797 4D Web Server does not populate "X-METHOD" web header array when HTTP Verb is "PATCH". 18.2 HF1
ACI0100798 The event "On click" of a picture variable that calls the 4D method "SELECT DOCUMENT" is triggered even after clicking on other objects of the form.
ACI0100803 4D Write Pro: Write Pro table formatting with thick borders shows white space, or the background color shines through. 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100809 The IP address table for filtering and denying IP addresses may not work in some circumstances (ex: after deleting an IP address in the 'Allow-Deny configuration table'). 18.2 HF1 17.4 HF2
ACI0100821 Boolean field not exported correctely when using output form in project mode. 18.2 HF1
ACI0100825 A SQL query using 'IN' clause on a indexed field returns wrong result. 18 R3 18.2
ACI0100826 The method 'POP3_transporteur.getMail( )' freezes with Kerio Mail server (freezes for 5 minutes, then reports error while downloaded the mail ). 18 R3
ACI0100842 OSX applications cannot be run after unzipping with "ZIP Read archive" 18.2 HF1
ACI0100844 4D freeze when a process showing a window is maximised and then resize a new window opened by a new process 18.2 HF1
ACI0100845 Mails: Message-ID is not automatically generated when ".messageId" attribute is empty. 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100846 Wrong date format for localisation "English (Singapore)". 18.2 HF1 17.4 HF2
ACI0100847 The command SET CURRENT PRINTER("") fails to reset the default printer with 4d 64 bits 18.2 HF1
ACI0100851 ORDA: when you use fromCollection method to a table that has N side of a relation, it causes error only in C/S mode (Server on Windows) 18.2 HF1
ACI0100854 'DOM Create XML element' creates elements in inverse order when the elements have the same name 18 R3
ACI0100869 The object returned by the "toObject()" method used with filters does not contain the relatedEntities attribute if the filter contains a relatedEntity attribute. On C/S mode only, 18.2 HF2 17.4 HF2
ACI0100872 Object property as first parameter of 'PICTURE PROPERTIES' command may create an unexpected error #-20003 in compiled mode (for instance: "PICTURE PROPERTIES($entity.Mypict;$vl_width;$vl_height)" ). 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100875 Cannot open project file of converted binary, if old automatic comments contain characters not valid for XML 1.0 18.2 HF1
ACI0100879 4D Write Pro: if you have 4D Write Pro with rightmost widget on the 2nd screen and create a new style sheet, the save dialog opens unfortunately on the 1st screen (instead of the 2nd one). 18.2 HF1
ACI0100890 In label editor when you load an old 32-bit label file, there is an unexpected error # -9930, "... error in 'Editor_ON_DATA_CHANGE' method, on line 286. There is no attribute with this name for this element.". 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100891 In project mode, form geometry stamp is not reset by the form editor when the form is modified 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100893 Can't drop the client from the administration window on the server 18.2 HF1
ACI0100897 An unexpected space character is added in the subject when an email is sent with a very long subject. 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100906 a warning appears when we use a Nested comment-blocks in comment-blocks
ACI0100907 4D View Pro: the 4D command "VP Convert from 4D View" is not thread safe so it can not be run in preemptive processes. 18.2 HF2
ACI0100909 Using down arrow key in a listbox selects the first item instead of selecting the next one. 18.3 HF1 17.5
ACI0100916 Picture variable loses the scrollbars set by programming when changing form page 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100923 'DOM Create XML element' slower when using new standard XPath option 18 R3
ACI0100932 In project mode, form geometry stamp is not reset by the form editor when the object class property is modified 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100937 Links to embedded anchors in method markdown do not work correctly
ACI0100951 4D Write Pro: an expression is not completly removed from a Write Pro document when backspace is used. 18.2 HF2
ACI0100961 Click on tab element not taken into account if the tab has an icon and the click is done just below the text 18 R3
ACI0100964 4D View Pro: Exporting converted view doc to View Pro, and then to '.xlsx', can results in an Excel error message when opening it. 18.2 HF2
ACI0100970 Using 'OBJECT DUPLICATE' on a listbox may lead 4D to quit unexpectedly. 18 R3 18.2 HF1
ACI0100972 The dateSeparator is not modified by default in the current culture of 4D View Pro
ACI0100980 The method getMail of POP3 Transporter returns null using the server hMailServer 18 R5
ACI0100981 4D Write Pro: crash using 'This.pageCount', only if expression returns only a end of line and if expression is juste before a end of line too. 18 R3 18.2 HF2 17.4 HF2
ACI0100991 4D Write Pro: an image placeholder is displayed instead of the image on exported '.Docx' or '.pdf' when the image is copied into 4D Write Pro document. MacOS Only. 18.2 HF2
ACI0101012 4D Write Pro: the exported MIME document doesn't open on browser and isn't sent correctly by email. MacOS only. 18.2 HF2
ACI0101024 4D View Pro: after converting a 4D View document to 4D View Pro, the bottom border and the borders on the right (first column) of the cells are missing. 18.2 HF2
ACI0101036 Error when executing an orderByFormula within a datastore class in client/server
ACI0101066 Hang with the command 'MAIL Convert from MIME' when no CRLF in the 'Mime' parameter. 18.2 HF2
ACI0101068 4D View Pro: Deleting the content of a cell with the keyboard is not detected as a modification 19 R5 19 R4 HF2 19.3 HF1
ACI0101069 'VP Get value' and 'VP SET VALUES' by Name do not work correctly when the cell name has been created with the scope 'vk workbook' 18.3 HF1
ACI0101088 Deleting the line below a folded block can crashes 4D.
ACI0101106 In Project mode, Listbox set to data source of a 'Use Named Selection' does not work. Data may not be displayed. 18 R5 18.3 HF1
ACI0101112 'This' in a entitySelection-class-function has always a length of 0
ACI0101113 Memory leak and crashing bug with READ PICTURE FILE and filling a huge picture array in a loop
ACI0101121 Converting to Project Mode breaks "Prompt If Related One Does Not Exist" option. 18.3
ACI0101126 Quick Report: if clicking on the header of a Quick Report area (in a form) when the type is defined as 'cross report', unexpected errors (9852, 9853) could appear. 18.3 HF1
ACI0101127 After a VALIDATE TRANSACTION, an Entity can be successfully locked in two different processes (4D Mono only). 18.3 HF1
ACI0101128 Crash WP Get formulas when passing a null-object
ACI0101137 MAIL Convert from MIME no more takes diacriticals for attachments into account 18.3
ACI0101141 drop(dk force drop if stamp changed) in transaction return 'Success' but the entity is not dropped 18.3 HF1
ACI0101159 Converting a binary database to project mode breaks the 'relation' auto-wildcard support. 18.3
ACI0101176 IMAP commands cannot properly authenticate on iCloud Server
ACI0101219 Build, compile and syntax check can crashes with R4 under Windows with very big structure
ACI0101227 'Required' and 'Excluded' lists, applied to a field, no longer work (Since v18.0 Hotfix 1). 18.3 HF1
ACI0101254 When deleting a form (and emptying the trash), its objects methods are not deleted. The MSC detect them as orphan objects. 18 R5 18.3 NB 257605
ACI0101276 'OBJECT SET LIST BY NAME ' doesn't work on variables in project mode. 18 R5 18.3 HF1
ACI0101287 A memory leak could happened in a 'For each ()' loop when the first element of the collection is affected to a variable. 18 R5 18.3 HF1
ACI0101288 In a embedded web area, the scroll wheel and hover may not work. 18 R5 18.3 HF1
ACI0099052 The two commands "FTP_Receive" & "FTP_Delete" does not work with danish charaters 18.2 HF1
ACI0100781 The command "MSG_Extract" changes an apostrophe in the file name into a delta symbol 18.2 HF1
ACI0100700 After updating a text field through ODBC, with data containing quotation marks, the quotation marks become brackets once saved in the database 18.2 HF1