All Products 19 R5 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0098106 'COLLECTION TO ARRAY' doesn't automatically convert properly dates value (see chapter 'Converting collections to arrays' in the documentation) 19.1 HF1
ACI0100583 Same Certificates are repeated in the openSSL certificate chain, when you stop and then, start the web server. 19 R6 19.3 HF2
ACI0100764 The option "Retry after X second(s), minute(s) or hour(s)" has wrong default value in backup database properties ; and different between Mac and PC. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0101068 4D View Pro: Deleting the content of a cell with the keyboard is not detected as a modification 18 R4 19 R4 HF2 19.3 HF1
ACI0101229 Applying Remote Client Web HTTPS port ID is not applying when the remote client starts up and calls SET DATABASE PARAMETER. 19.2 HF2 18.6
ACI0101791 The 4D command 'BUILD APPLICATION' launched in the 'On startup' method, doesn't generate the error file. 19 R4 18.5 HF5 19.2
ACI0102121 The variable 'ViewPro' is empty when moving to next record 19 R4 19.2 HF1 18.6
ACI0102124 copy paste a formula from a 4DVP to an other 4DVP: the value is pasted, not the formula 19 R4
ACI0102143 Memory leaks on 4D Server when using 4D commands 'Get process activity' and 'OB Get'. 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF1
ACI0102193 4D View Pro: 'paperSize' attribute in upper case (A4) is not supported by the command 'VP set print info'. 19.3 19 R4 HF1
ACI0102194 4D View Pro: the paperSize.kind attribute returned by the command 'VP Get print info' is wrong. 19.3 19 R4 HF2
ACI0102197 User license not released on Server when the client executed a stored procedure and has been disconnected 19 R4 19.1 HF1 18.5 HF5
ACI0102225 when using the command line, the --cache-folder-name argument does not work with an engineered server. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102290 A crash may occur using querying in a empty collection. 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102337 The display format for a listbox 's column: the number format is not avaialabe for integer 64 bits 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102374 Type of Row Control Array set as a Longint Array returns Boolean Array (22) in interpreted mode 19 R4 19.1 HF1 18.5 HF5
ACI0102380 When the data language is Japanese, case insensitve is implied with Compare strings 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102388 OBJECT SET & GET SCROLL POSITION Does not work with Subforms as intended. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102424 In 4D View Pro,multiple merged cells aren't correctly converted to SVG 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102425 The command 'WEB SET HTTP HEADER' does not work with 4D classes properly: it does not manage error codes. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102433 Query on null attribute in a collection does not work when the attribute is an entity 19 R4
ACI0102434 4D may crash if you quit while compiling. 19.3
ACI0102442 Using 4D Write Pro, when changing the view mode from 'Draft' to "Page", the vertical ruler doesn't appear the first time.
ACI0102454 4D Server may quit unexpectedly when running a preemptive method that executes a SQL statement which calls on a function. 19 R4 19.1 HF1 18.5 HF5
ACI0102464 'WP Get view properties' returns wrong information about 'SpellEnabled'. 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102474 'GET WINDOW RECT' returns wrong top values when resizing a window 19.2
ACI0102487 "entity.fromObject( )" command, on Windows only, badly resets the "N to 1"related attribute of "N" table to the value of the "1" related attribute 19.1 HF1
ACI0102489 Icons in Tab Control object form are badly aligned. Mac only. 19.3 HF1
ACI0102495 Wrong locking record info after an execute on server 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102506 Cannot activate 4D licenses if the 4D account fields contain an accented character 19 R3 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102507 A broken connection error can happen in client-server mode when a postponed was triggered, related to a query not released correctly in transaction mode 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102521 Wrong method parameter value in debug log when running in compiled mode. 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF1
ACI0102524 It is not possible to use a 4DLOOP statement after a 4DEACH statement in a web page 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102530 Creating a record in an empty table, under transaction, may cause 4D to crash after doing an 'ORDER BY' or 'LISTBOX SORT COLUMNS' on an indexed field (it happens when the '.4dd' file is newly created). 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102533 When building a compiled application, an old "lib4d-arm64.dylib" file may not be replace by the new one as it should. 19 R3 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102534 'Entityselection' are not always released on the server when 4D Remote quit 19 R4 19.1 HF1 18.5 HF5
ACI0102535 Component Web Services not available in Project Mode 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102536 When deleting unvalidated Japanese text (in IME), deleting last unvalidated character will also delete adjacent validated character. 19 R3 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102537 Printing Labels with virtual structure does not print field values but field names 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102541 On Mac-Intel, when building an application for Intel only, the application doesn't run on Silicon (Rosetta mode) 19.2 HF1
ACI0102546 In 4D database FR, there is some wrong text of the tooltips of the objects (text in english instead of frensh) of 4D Write pro widgets 19.2
ACI0102549 Unexpected internal error when compiling for Mac-Silicon when using a value in a expression (no problem if the value replaced by a variable) 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102555 When you use LISTBOX SET PROPERTY(*; "List Box"; lk detail form name; "") to "reset" the detail form of a listbox, it doesn't to work. 19.2
ACI0102556 The compilation fails on a Mac-Silicon if method name is in Japanese, and with more than 3 letters long. 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102558 In client-server mode, Entity selections are not released after the entity and its related entity are converted to a collection with .toCollection(); it creates then memory leaks. 19 R4 19.1 HF1 18.5 HF5
ACI0102560 If you disable the option "Allow Web Services Requests" in the settings, and request ".../4DWSDL" in a browser, it generates an XML error 19.2
ACI0102562 Videoconferencing in Web Area fails to microphone on OSX 19 R4
ACI0102565 Formula with pointer, like " Formula(gPtr->:=2) ", is misinterpreted 19 R3 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102572 Leaks with entity selections and the command 'Create Entity Selection' 19 R4 19.1 HF1 18.5 HF5
ACI0102573 Debbuger window do not appear in a method called from a REST request in Binary mode (Server Only) and not possible to execute a rest request method in a cooperative process in compiled mode 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102574 Converting to project mode removes splash images defined in picture library. 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102575 When created in a binary database, a listbox/header/Picture Section/Source property is empty 19 R4 19.1 HF1 18.5 HF5
ACI0102576 Conversion of binary to project does not export empty property listbox/header/Picture Section/Source 19 R4 19.1 HF1 18.5 HF5
ACI0102577 Button title modification in the property list not saved if the form is closed without validating the button title area 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102578 'WP Get position' returns wrong left bound. 19 R4 19.1 HF1
ACI0102589 Compiler error (Silicon) when using 0xFFFF as Plugin Parameter 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102593 Wrong display of object form when Form MinSize is bigger than > Form MaxSize (not a normal situation, but it may happen); only in Project Mode. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102600 Spurious status code can occured with 'HTTP Requests' command 19 R4 19.2 HF2 18.6
ACI0102601 'VP EXPORT DOCUMENT' generates error when value is in column with wordwrap 19.2
ACI0102606 '#DECLARE' parameter names are case sensitive in compiled mode: It distinguishes a lettre in capital letter and lowercase. 19.2
ACI0102607 4D View Pro: "Zoom" in the status bar is unexpectedly 'translated' as "undefined" for localizations other then english
ACI0102618 4D Write Pro: if there is a table in a 4D Write pro document, the table width can not be changed if an http link is before the table. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102622 After the warning "Table is encrypted but some blobs are not" from the MSC, it seems impossible to re-encrypt them (BLOBs stored in date file) by encrypting the data again. 19 R4 18.5 HF5 19.2
ACI0102626 The built remote application needs to reenter the server address after first automatic update 19.2 HF2
ACI0102628 "Remember password" option doesn't save the password in client/server
ACI0102632 'SELECT' query with 'SQL EXECUTE' truncates the last character when string length is above 1031 chars 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102634 4D does not accept any Full Width space when typing JA text 19.2
ACI0102635 Changing the form page with a tab control in On Load does not work 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102636 4D Write Pro: using the 2 commands 'WP Insert Document' + 'WP Get position' corrupts sections in a document. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102641 First call of "WP Get position" returns wrong page number 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102642 Entry order button does not take into account, for the first time, enterable objects in form page 0 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102643 In 4D View Pro, null date returns an incorrect value (30/11/1899 ) 19.2 HF1
ACI0102644 Changes in catalog.4dcatalog after 4D start 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102646 WA Execute javascript function doesn't work with external web rendering engine in Mac OS 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102647 Multiline printing issue : the text may be truncated unexpectedly. 19 R4
ACI0102652 Specific configuration log file is not loaded if there's no Settings folder in the project 19 R4
ACI0102653 4D Write Pro contextual menu displays unexpectedly mixed localized items after using the 4D command 'SET DATABASE LOCALIZATION'. 19.2
ACI0102657 Label editor: Since v19 R4, popups on format page are empty. 19 R4
ACI0102662 The web server ignores its charset to process web form variables; it always assumes utf-8 19.2 HF1
ACI0102663 Pointer on a process variable in interpreted mode may become invalid when numerous contexts are created 19 R4 19.2 18.6
ACI0102664 When you have a link to a local file that has a JA text in the file name / path name, that link will not open up in View Pro using HYPERLINK function 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102669 High DPI on Windows : content of form when using DISPLAY RECORD is X times bigger 19 R4
ACI0102670 4D View Conversion to 4D View Pro, Issue with converted named cells (if the cell is composed like (AB, AC,...) 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102671 After clicking on tabs and buttons, and also switching from a window to another, some form object may become no more enterable ; on Mac system only. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102676 It is not possible to disable journaling in project mode 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102678 4D View to 4D View Pro Conversion problem, Formula parameter separataor not displayed on the converted document. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102680 IdleTimeout parameter on Open Datastore is not working ; no disconnection happens. 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102683 Since v19 R4, hosting REST via 4D Server uses maximum number of sessions despite number of users 19 R4
ACI0102684 Repeated OPEN DATA FILE lead to Server quit 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102689 The command 'Split string' returns incorrect collection when using "Char (2)" in the separator parameter. 19 R4 19.2 HF1 18.6
ACI0102690 4D Server crashes when calling dataclass function in low cache conditions 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102693 4D v19 R4 crashes on Launch in macOS 12.3 beta 3 19 R4
ACI0102698 Crash with 'WP New' when loading old 4D Write doc 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102705 When you have EDIT ITEM and single click editing happening at the same time, you can have a cursor in a listbox but text happening in different place. 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102707 The "MAIL Convert from MIME" command fails to decode character "é" in the mail subject 19.2 HF1
ACI0102708 The "MAIL Convert from MIME" command fails to decode character "ç" and some special characters in mail bodyvalue 19.2 HF1
ACI0102709 Setting multiple values on 4D View Pro takes a lot of time 19 R4
ACI0102710 4D View Pro: 'VP SET CELL STYLE' with NULL does not remove all backgrounds 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102711 Down arrow in drop-down menu not vertically centered 19 R4
ACI0102731 Loading blank form via FORM LOAD in binary and quitting client will cause hangup of client 19.2 HF2
ACI0102734 Record locking returns wrong username and workstation information after a method is executed on Server 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102735 The debugger stops unexpectedly when a syntax error occurs and the code has been executed from a WEB request 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102738 Switching focus from property list to global search input on windows may cause the cursor and the selection of the area to be lost 19 R4 19.2
ACI0102739 'WP Find all' does not respect Japanese characters collation (same for 'WP Find next' and 'WP Find previous') 19.2 HF2
ACI0102746 Compiling <>:=0 : Compilation succeeds if compiling for Intel only ; Compilation fails with a bad clang error if compiling for silicon 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102747 Entry Filter applied in a Non Enterable/Focusable area when refreshed (scrolling/clicking) 19.2 HF2
ACI0102748 After backup restore (journal integration) the class connection of object field is lost 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102751 Input form renders over output form when leaving input form that contains web area with PDF 19.2 HF2
ACI0102756 Option "Use preemptive process" raises a compiler error for Mobile App Active Session method
ACI0102757 Listbox header are not well drawn on macOS 19.2 HF1
ACI0102763 In some cases 4D quits unexpectedly when clicking 'automatic width' for subform 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102766 4D quits unexpectedly when the DISPLAY RECORD command is called and the input form contains an object with the value "enlarge" for the resized property 19 R4
ACI0102768 4D crashes when launched on macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave) 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF1 19 R6
ACI0102771 Button with 'Standard action' stops working in project mode 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102773 'Get 4D file' does not return empty path for some non existing files
ACI0102779 Issue with converted view document to view pro, Formula not well converted 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102780 On Windows, (alt+down arrow key) combination should open/close the list associated to dropdown and combobox objects 19.2 HF1
ACI0102783 Keyboard shortcuts defined in the structure are not retrieved in the user properties. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102785 Background color wrongly applied using " New object("backColor"; Null) ", and all styles get lost. 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102791 The button 'OK' on Save database structure properties becomes unexpectedly enabled. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102792 "4D.System Worker" type declaration causes incorrect warnings 19 R4
ACI0102795 Listening HTTP/HTTPS ports can unexpectedly be changed insidiously. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102801 On 4K mac Retina display, objects are not diplayed correctly: Rectangles, and circles are not displayed correctly with their outline 19.2 HF2
ACI0102802 4D may freeze when retrieving an email using the IMAP transporter. 19
ACI0102803 "directory.json" changes users and groups orders constantly; 'Get User list' can't match prperly with the "directory.json". 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF2
ACI0102806 The return of an 'Entityselection' from a class function can generate a memory leak in C/S 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102808 The hidden tabs extend beyond the scroll arrows 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102810 On Windows, The 'Sleep' mode was not always detected correctly and could generate a disconnection when the client reconnects 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102813 Using the "DOM EXPORT TO VAR" command on "XML DOM" with an invisible character crashes 4D. 19 R4
ACI0102822 Entry Alphanumeric Format in a Non Enterable field is wrong 19.2 HF2
ACI0102825 The 'No sessions' option is not preserved when the option 'Enable User Settings External File' is set 19.3
ACI0102826 After importing a search saved on the disk the date value is set to Zero 19.2 HF2
ACI0102830 4D remote freeze when you quit after displaying the administration server window
ACI0102831 'OPEN DATABASE' executed from the 'On server starup' when the administration window is opened may prevent the server from being reopened properly. 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102834 'Count parameters' does not return the right value when: the code is compiled for 'Apple Silicon', and the command is called from a method in a 'Execute on server' session. 19 R4
ACI0102842 4D View Pro: the command 'VP set cell style' using backColor doesn't work properly 19 R4 19.3
ACI0102847 SystemWorker.wait() doesn't wait for current form messages 19 R4
ACI0102858 Export to project mode: check box or radio button in a row of an output/subform is drawn in lines without records. 19.3 HF1
ACI0102861 After compact records and indexes, trying to create a record may lead to a crash. Only with indexed field. 19.3 HF1
ACI0102864 Date field has wrong date when it is set visible and enterable 19.2 HF2
ACI0102867 Incorrectly resizing images at 125% zoom Windows 19 R6
ACI0102871 Loading a stored query with a date is initialized with 00.00.00 19.2 HF2
ACI0102884 High CPU consumption with 'PHP Execute'; It can freeze the application.
ACI0102887 'OBJECT GET BEST SIZE' Returns Incorrect best height when using CSS 19.2 HF2
ACI0102897 In binary mode, there is a memory leak when modifying and saving a method in client/server configuration. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102903 CSS color in @media (dark/light) not supported for listbox 19.2 HF2
ACI0102907 In project mode, 'OBJECT GET FORMAT' returns an empty string, for listbox header linked to a picture variable. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102916 Runtime Error 4D Widget
ACI0102919 When you launch a Backup from a 4D remote, if the backup lasts more than an hour, the 4d remote can lose his connection
ACI0102934 4D Client hangs and does not respond when draging and droping a file into the Ressources window ("Design > Toolbox > Resources")
ACI0102936 Bad redraw when going from a data entry session (Input form) to a data list view session (Output form) in SDI mode. For example, with a 'MODIFY SELECTION'. 19.3
ACI0102938 Group Box and Static Text objects being rendered differently
ACI0102940 Email object attachments cannot be passed as a parameter to another process 19.3 HF1
ACI0102943 4D Write Pro: Deleting last table row also deletes section break behind the last row. 19.3 HF1
ACI0102953 Type ahead with Component Objects does not work when using DECLARE
ACI0102955 Applying a font on a list item of a drop-down list object doesn't work 19.3 HF1
ACI0102968 Plugin SDK: the entry-point 'EX_GET_FIELD' fails with blob fields. 19.3 HF1
ACI0102970 Drop-down lists associated with an object no longer work 19.3 HF2
ACI0102972 Going to Project mode, users may be removed from their groups. 19 R4 HF2 19.3 HF1 19.3 HF1
ACI0102973 Command "Drag Window" moves the window immediately out of sight
ACI0102988 Depending of the text size, the text scroll position can be wrong. 19.3 HF1
ACI0102996 Mail only gets send half with 'SMTP New Transporter' 19.3 HF1
ACI0103003 Compile project() returns wrong variable type values for Text, Pointer, and Picture. 19 R6 19.3 HF2
ACI0103004 'FORM SET INPUT' does not change table input form 19.3 HF1
ACI0103005 Engined application on Windows system doesn't accept folder "Compiled Database" from Silicon Mac, when Mac build was created using "PackProject=False"
ACI0103008 Using two monitors on Windows and the first screen is at 125%, the 4D values returned by the SCREEN COORDINATES command are false
ACI0103016 Problem with dropdown box Arrow vertical display position (on Windows Server 2012 R2) 19.3 HF1
ACI0103023 Using same parameter name for multiple parameters doesn't issue compilation error
ACI0103046 Tab bar click event works into the whole column (not just the header) 19.3 HF1
ACI0102379 The command "IMAP_MsgLst" doesn't retrieve well the written of some subject fields 19 R4 19.1 HF1 18.5 HF5