All Products 19.3 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0101229 Applying Remote Client Web HTTPS port ID is not applying when the remote client starts up and calls SET DATABASE PARAMETER. 19.2 HF2 18.6
ACI0102121 The variable 'ViewPro' is empty when moving to next record 19 R4 19.2 HF1 18.6
ACI0102143 Memory leaks on 4D Server when using 4D commands 'Get process activity' and 'OB Get'. 19 R5 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF1
ACI0102147 The build of an iPhone applicattion thanks to the button "Install", with a not-connected telephone, displays an error. 19.2 HF1
ACI0102193 4D View Pro: 'paperSize' attribute in upper case (A4) is not supported by the command 'VP set print info'. 19 R5 19 R4 HF1
ACI0102194 4D View Pro: the paperSize.kind attribute returned by the command 'VP Get print info' is wrong. 19 R5 19 R4 HF2
ACI0102337 The display format for a listbox 's column: the number format is not avaialabe for integer 64 bits 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102434 4D may crash if you quit while compiling. 19 R5
ACI0102464 'WP Get view properties' returns wrong information about 'SpellEnabled'. 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102473 Issue in small font for Label editor 19.2 HF2 18.6
ACI0102495 Wrong locking record info after an execute on server 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102521 Wrong method parameter value in debug log when running in compiled mode. 19 R5 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF1
ACI0102541 On Mac-Intel, when building an application for Intel only, the application doesn't run on Silicon (Rosetta mode) 19.2 HF1
ACI0102573 Debbuger window do not appear in a method called from a REST request in Binary mode (Server Only) and not possible to execute a rest request method in a cooperative process in compiled mode 19 R4 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102600 Spurious status code can occured with 'HTTP Requests' command 19 R4 19.2 HF2 18.6
ACI0102626 The built remote application needs to reenter the server address after first automatic update 19.2 HF2
ACI0102643 In 4D View Pro, null date returns an incorrect value (30/11/1899 ) 19.2 HF1
ACI0102662 The web server ignores its charset to process web form variables; it always assumes utf-8 19.2 HF1
ACI0102664 When you have a link to a local file that has a JA text in the file name / path name, that link will not open up in View Pro using HYPERLINK function 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102670 4D View Conversion to 4D View Pro, Issue with converted named cells (if the cell is composed like (AB, AC,...) 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102675 Char ° and UTF 7 mails not well be decoded with 'MAIL Convert from MIME'. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102684 Repeated OPEN DATA FILE lead to Server quit 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102689 The command 'Split string' returns incorrect collection when using "Char (2)" in the separator parameter. 19 R4 19.2 HF1 18.6
ACI0102705 When you have EDIT ITEM and single click editing happening at the same time, you can have a cursor in a listbox but text happening in different place. 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102707 The "MAIL Convert from MIME" command fails to decode character "é" in the mail subject 19.2 HF1
ACI0102708 The "MAIL Convert from MIME" command fails to decode character "ç" and some special characters in mail bodyvalue 19.2 HF1
ACI0102710 4D View Pro: 'VP SET CELL STYLE' with NULL does not remove all backgrounds 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102731 Loading blank form via FORM LOAD in binary and quitting client will cause hangup of client 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102734 Record locking returns wrong username and workstation information after a method is executed on Server 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102735 The debugger stops unexpectedly when a syntax error occurs and the code has been executed from a WEB request 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102739 'WP Find all' does not respect Japanese characters collation (same for 'WP Find next' and 'WP Find previous') 19.2 HF2
ACI0102746 Compiling <>:=0 : Compilation succeeds if compiling for Intel only ; Compilation fails with a bad clang error if compiling for silicon 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102747 Entry Filter applied in a Non Enterable/Focusable area when refreshed (scrolling/clicking) 19.2 HF2
ACI0102748 After backup restore (journal integration) the class connection of object field is lost 19 R4 19.2 HF1
ACI0102751 Input form renders over output form when leaving input form that contains web area with PDF 19.2 HF2
ACI0102757 Listbox header are not well drawn on macOS 19.2 HF1
ACI0102763 In some cases 4D quits unexpectedly when clicking 'automatic width' for subform 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102768 4D crashes when launched on macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave) 19 R5 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF1 19 R6
ACI0102771 Button with 'Standard action' stops working in project mode 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102779 Issue with converted view document to view pro, Formula not well converted 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102780 On Windows, (alt+down arrow key) combination should open/close the list associated to dropdown and combobox objects 19.2 HF1
ACI0102783 Keyboard shortcuts defined in the structure are not retrieved in the user properties. 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102785 Background color wrongly applied using " New object("backColor"; Null) ", and all styles get lost. 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102791 The button 'OK' on Save database structure properties becomes unexpectedly enabled. 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102795 Listening HTTP/HTTPS ports can unexpectedly be changed insidiously. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102801 On 4K mac Retina display, objects are not diplayed correctly: Rectangles, and circles are not displayed correctly with their outline 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102803 "directory.json" changes users and groups orders constantly; 'Get User list' can't match prperly with the "directory.json". 19 R5 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF2
ACI0102806 The return of an 'Entityselection' from a class function can generate a memory leak in C/S 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102808 The hidden tabs extend beyond the scroll arrows 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102810 On Windows, The 'Sleep' mode was not always detected correctly and could generate a disconnection when the client reconnects 19 R4 19.2 HF2
ACI0102811 A list form is not properly displayed when called by 'BRING TO FRONT' and if the window is overlapped by another window. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102814 Building an application may crash when using the key 'CommonCopyright'. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102822 Entry Alphanumeric Format in a Non Enterable field is wrong 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102825 The 'No sessions' option is not preserved when the option 'Enable User Settings External File' is set 19 R5
ACI0102826 After importing a search saved on the disk the date value is set to Zero 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102831 'OPEN DATABASE' executed from the 'On server starup' when the administration window is opened may prevent the server from being reopened properly. 19 R4 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102842 4D View Pro: the command 'VP set cell style' using backColor doesn't work properly 19 R4 19 R5
ACI0102855 Issue with 4D when split string is split on Char(1) through Char(31) 19.2 HF2
ACI0102864 Date field has wrong date when it is set visible and enterable 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102870 Using variable with Japanese name will result in blank variable in SOAP method 19.2 HF2
ACI0102871 Loading a stored query with a date is initialized with 00.00.00 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102887 'OBJECT GET BEST SIZE' Returns Incorrect best height when using CSS 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102897 In binary mode, there is a memory leak when modifying and saving a method in client/server configuration. 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102903 CSS color in @media (dark/light) not supported for listbox 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102907 In project mode, 'OBJECT GET FORMAT' returns an empty string, for listbox header linked to a picture variable. 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102936 Bad redraw when going from a data entry session (Input form) to a data list view session (Output form) in SDI mode. For example, with a 'MODIFY SELECTION'. 19 R5