All Products 19 R6 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0100583 Same Certificates are repeated in the openSSL certificate chain, when you stop and then, start the web server. 19 R5 19.3 HF2
ACI0101068 4D View Pro: Deleting the content of a cell with the keyboard is not detected as a modification 18 R4 19 R5 19 R4 HF2 19.3 HF1
ACI0101100 Typo in progress bar window when importing data from a file ("Concerting toText" instead of "Converting to Text") 19.4
ACI0101904 Combobox in project mode does not have drop events. 19.3 HF2
ACI0102065 4D View Pro: After modifying a Print Info attribute, it fails to print: only a blank page appears.
ACI0102143 Memory leaks on 4D Server when using 4D commands 'Get process activity' and 'OB Get'. 19 R5 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF1
ACI0102193 4D View Pro: 'paperSize' attribute in upper case (A4) is not supported by the command 'VP set print info'. 19 R5 19.3 19 R4 HF1
ACI0102194 4D View Pro: the paperSize.kind attribute returned by the command 'VP Get print info' is wrong. 19 R5 19.3 19 R4 HF2
ACI0102284 4D Write Pro: The last ¶ is not there in the bookmark range when adding a text after it 19.3 HF2
ACI0102324 'OBJECT SET STYLE SHEET' doesn't modify the font. 19.3 HF2
ACI0102434 4D may crash if you quit while compiling. 19 R5 19.3
ACI0102489 Icons in Tab Control object form are badly aligned. Mac only. 19 R5 19.3 HF1
ACI0102521 Wrong method parameter value in debug log when running in compiled mode. 19 R5 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF1
ACI0102522 Some constants are not recognized by the method editor because of an apostrophe (" ' ") in their name (Problem only in French localization). 19.3 HF2
ACI0102528 4D Write Pro: The "wk text color" option does not change the link color 19.3 HF2
ACI0102573 Debbuger window do not appear in a method called from a REST request in Binary mode (Server Only) and not possible to execute a rest request method in a cooperative process in compiled mode 19 R4 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102587 4D Application becomes unresponsive after a Mac Silicon wake from sleep 19.3 HF2
ACI0102675 Char ° and UTF 7 mails not well be decoded with 'MAIL Convert from MIME'. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102720 SQL Execute fills a 4D array with 1 empty element when executing a query to a Sybase procedure that returns null. Nothing should be returned 19.4
ACI0102722 4D Write Pro: Cursor moves in Header and Footer of 4D Write Pro area when showing/hiding references 19.3 HF2
ACI0102731 Loading blank form via FORM LOAD in binary and quitting client will cause hangup of client 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102767 Using the 'GOTO OBJECT' command in a background process affects focus in foreground process 19.3 HF2
ACI0102768 4D crashes when launched on macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave) 19 R5 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF1
ACI0102783 Keyboard shortcuts defined in the structure are not retrieved in the user properties. 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102787 When a method is called on server startup once, calling the same method to execute on server from a remote client will make Current User return an empty string in the method. 19.3 HF1
ACI0102791 The button 'OK' on Save database structure properties becomes unexpectedly enabled. 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102801 On 4K mac Retina display, objects are not diplayed correctly: Rectangles, and circles are not displayed correctly with their outline 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102802 4D may freeze when retrieving an email using the IMAP transporter. 19 19 R5
ACI0102803 "directory.json" changes users and groups orders constantly; 'Get User list' can't match prperly with the "directory.json". 19 R5 19.2 HF2 19 R4 HF2
ACI0102811 A list form is not properly displayed when called by 'BRING TO FRONT' and if the window is overlapped by another window. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102813 Using the "DOM EXPORT TO VAR" command on "XML DOM" with an invisible character crashes 4D. 19 R4 19 R5
ACI0102814 Building an application may crash when using the key 'CommonCopyright'. 19.2 HF2
ACI0102822 Entry Alphanumeric Format in a Non Enterable field is wrong 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102825 The 'No sessions' option is not preserved when the option 'Enable User Settings External File' is set 19 R5 19.3
ACI0102826 After importing a search saved on the disk the date value is set to Zero 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102827 The "Find" in Structure option doesn't work properly 19.3 HF2
ACI0102828 4D View Pro: Search and replace UI and localisation problems 19 R4
ACI0102831 'OPEN DATABASE' executed from the 'On server starup' when the administration window is opened may prevent the server from being reopened properly. 19 R4 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102833 Difference in behavior between 19x and 19R for the "ZIP Create archive" command
ACI0102834 'Count parameters' does not return the right value when: the code is compiled for 'Apple Silicon', and the command is called from a method in a 'Execute on server' session. 19 R4 19 R5
ACI0102839 Button with popup menu does not respect default selection parameter in Dynamic pop up menu command 19.4
ACI0102842 4D View Pro: the command 'VP set cell style' using backColor doesn't work properly 19 R4 19 R5 19.3
ACI0102847 SystemWorker.wait() doesn't wait for current form messages 19 R4 19 R5
ACI0102855 Issue with 4D when split string is split on Char(1) through Char(31) 19.2 HF2
ACI0102858 Export to project mode: check box or radio button in a row of an output/subform is drawn in lines without records. 19 R5 19.3 HF1
ACI0102861 After compact records and indexes, trying to create a record may lead to a crash. Only with indexed field. 19 R5 19.3 HF1
ACI0102864 Date field has wrong date when it is set visible and enterable 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102867 Incorrectly resizing images at 125% zoom Windows 19 R5
ACI0102870 Using variable with Japanese name will result in blank variable in SOAP method 19.2 HF2
ACI0102871 Loading a stored query with a date is initialized with 00.00.00 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102884 High CPU consumption with 'PHP Execute'; It can freeze the application. 19 R5
ACI0102887 'OBJECT GET BEST SIZE' Returns Incorrect best height when using CSS 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102897 In binary mode, there is a memory leak when modifying and saving a method in client/server configuration. 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102899 4D View Pro: 'VP Convert to picture' doesn't manage correctly backgrounds when range is specified 19.3 HF1
ACI0102903 CSS color in @media (dark/light) not supported for listbox 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102907 In project mode, 'OBJECT GET FORMAT' returns an empty string, for listbox header linked to a picture variable. 19 R5 19.2 HF2
ACI0102908 Syntax error #54 (Expecting a pointer) is raised in compiled mode if Null value is passed to Collection functions .map() and .find() to the parameter declared as Pointer 19.3 HF1
ACI0102919 When you launch a Backup from a 4D remote, if the backup lasts more than an hour, the 4d remote can lose his connection 19 R5
ACI0102923 Sending more than 8000 bytes in Sybase results in 255 bytes only received by Sybase 19.3 HF1
ACI0102928 An unexpected error 'Missing language context ...' may rise while calling a class function with computed attributes in Client/Server mode. 19 R5 HF2
ACI0102931 'MAIL Convert from MIME' doesn't find attachments with some boundaries 19.3 HF1
ACI0102933 When column is boolean type in LB collection but cell is undefined or blank, clicking on a checkbox will throw in String not Boolean 19.3 HF2
ACI0102934 4D Client hangs and does not respond when draging and droping a file into the Ressources window ("Design > Toolbox > Resources") 19 R5
ACI0102936 Bad redraw when going from a data entry session (Input form) to a data list view session (Output form) in SDI mode. For example, with a 'MODIFY SELECTION'. 19 R5 19.3
ACI0102938 Group Box and Static Text objects being rendered differently 19 R5
ACI0102940 Email object attachments cannot be passed as a parameter to another process 19 R5 19.3 HF1
ACI0102943 4D Write Pro: Deleting last table row also deletes section break behind the last row. 19 R5 19.3 HF1
ACI0102953 Type ahead with Component Objects does not work when using DECLARE 19 R5
ACI0102955 Applying a font on a list item of a drop-down list object doesn't work 19 R5 19.3 HF1
ACI0102965 On Load, building a pointer and initialize it to a value, make an empty input field 19.3 HF1
ACI0102968 Plugin SDK: the entry-point 'EX_GET_FIELD' fails with blob fields. 19 R5 19.3 HF1
ACI0102970 Drop-down lists associated with an object no longer work 19 R5 19.3 HF2
ACI0102972 Going to Project mode, users may be removed from their groups. 19 R5 19 R4 HF2 19.3 HF1 19.3 HF1
ACI0102973 Command "Drag Window" moves the window immediately out of sight 19 R5
ACI0102979 Impossible to expand elements of an entity selection in the remote debugger
ACI0102988 Depending of the text size, the text scroll position can be wrong. 19 R5 19.3 HF1
ACI0102993 ZIP folder is missing in zip.root.folders 19.3 HF2
ACI0102996 Mail only gets send half with 'SMTP New Transporter' 19 R5 19.3 HF1
ACI0103003 Compile project() returns wrong variable type values for Text, Pointer, and Picture. 19 R5 19.3 HF2
ACI0103004 'FORM SET INPUT' does not change table input form 19 R5 19.3 HF1
ACI0103005 Engined application on Windows system doesn't accept folder "Compiled Database" from Silicon Mac, when Mac build was created using "PackProject=False" 19 R5
ACI0103007 Depending on th elocalization of 4D application, the 'On REST authentication' database method is unexpectedly renamed 'On 4D Mobile Authentication'. 19.4
ACI0103008 Using two monitors on Windows and the first screen is at 125%, the 4D values returned by the SCREEN COORDINATES command are false 19 R5
ACI0103012 Blurred icons in Tab Controls and smaller tab controls with retina scaling and macOS 12.4
ACI0103016 Problem with dropdown box Arrow vertical display position (on Windows Server 2012 R2) 19 R5 19.3 HF1
ACI0103017 dataClass.query() class function doesn’t return the right result when the query search criteria string contains Null or a not indexed attribute 19.4
ACI0103023 Using same parameter name for multiple parameters doesn't issue compilation error 19 R5
ACI0103028 Unexpected 10 seconds delay after running PHP Execute(""; "quit_4d_php"; *) 19.4 HF1
ACI0103038 The object returned from the 4D Command 'MAIL Convert from MIME' may returned an incorrect text of an enclosure file. 19.3 HF1
ACI0103039 In macOS QR use between 80% and 100% of CPU when the quick report is opened 19.4
ACI0103041 'SCREEN COORDINATES' should return unscaled working area origin even after setting the system scale facto to 125% of the main screen 19 R5 HF1
ACI0103045 Emails from SMTP Transporter, or MIME export from 4D Write Pro doesn't work correctly when there is a picture attached: unexpected duplication of it. 19.3 HF2 19 R5 HF1
ACI0103052 An object A with properties P1 and P2 referencing an object B, loses the references to B when sent to the Client and get only copies of B in P1 and P2 19.4
ACI0103061 Display format "##.##.####" for input field of type text shows commas instead of dots when switching place holder compatibility setting on and off. 19 R5 HF1 19.4
ACI0103065 Japanese Help Tips have extra empty line below the text 19.4
ACI0103068 When tab control is used to change pages, the inner text of an Input area is deactivated. 19.3 HF2
ACI0103070 4D Write Pro: in a document, a section 2 is unexpectedly merged in the section 1. 19.4
ACI0103071 The extended character entry on Mac after a long press, does not work correctly anymore. 19.3 HF2
ACI0103079 High DPI issues with images on Windows system scaling different than 100%. 19 R5 HF1
ACI0103082 Sometimes, HTTP Requests behind reverse proxy are rejected with an unexpected error 400 (bad request). 19.3 HF2 19 R5 HF1
ACI0103084 Non-enterable boolean input is enterable in a subform in project mode 19.3 HF2
ACI0103090 When the image is empty the "SVG_New_embedded_image" command with "COMBINE PICTURES" command does not work
ACI0103091 IMAP Transporter ".move()" command often fails when using 4D. 19.3 HF2 19 R5 HF1
ACI0103095 A v19 R5 database quits unexpectedly when loading a 19 R6 compiled component.
ACI0103097 Unexpected duplicated automatic actions in Menu editor (toolbox dialog) 19.4 HF1
ACI0103108 When having two tables related, the quick report shows unusual result in the search window for fields (some fields missing). 19.4 HF1
ACI0103114 Shortcut to open a Form from the method editor by typing its name (without quotes and even without the table if it is a table form, just the name is enough) and selecting "File > Open… > Form… 19.4
ACI0103124 Regression in Output form appearance: unexpectedly, there are no more separator lines. 19.4 HF1
ACI0103133 Duplicate Hierarchical Pop-up Menu Object w/o variable (i.e "OBJECT DUPLICATE(*; "Popup";...") mau lead to an unexpected execution error. 19.4
ACI0103134 var declaration of text variables may give an unexpected syntax error in a Trigger-Method. 19.4
ACI0103135 Picture button in Project mode does not have Drag/Drop property 19.4 HF1
ACI0103148 4D commands 'MESSAGE' and 'GOTO XY' do not work correctly when the screen display scale is increased
ACI0103151 Japanese text legend too long in a 4D 'GRAPH' will result in legend cut off. 19.4
ACI0103152 4D.HTTPRequest.wait() brings unexpected syntax warning
ACI0103173 When 'Get external data path' is called in a trigger, 4D creates an external folder with wrong name. 19.4
ACI0103200 Impossible to type Japanese: in HiDPI mode, the front end processor (IME) may be displayed over the text input, hiding text then. 19.4 HF1
ACI0103214 4D Mobile: an unexpected error ("“ExposedStructure_fielddType”, line 21") is raised for a structure with sub-tables
ACI0103217 After changing the size of a line (form object), the coordinates are not saved after reopening the form. 19.4 HF1