Reference |
Summary |
Fixed also with |
ACI0092218 |
Sometimes a crash occurred when you try to print a form with a PDF picture with "Print form" and "PAGE SETUP". |
15.0 19.5 HF1 |
ACI0100883 |
4D Write pro: After converting a 4D Write file, the reference «Year of([Courriers]DateCreation):Système date court» changes into «String(Year of([Courriers]DateCreation);1)» and reproduces error 8 after showing the references |
19.3 HF2 |
ACI0101062 |
The CONFIRM window needs a bit more height |
19.3 HF2 |
ACI0101670 |
Using or formula.apply() on a Formula that should return a time value, returns incorrect Real-type value instead |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0102323 |
Rich Text Area. Not Focusable button make the white background to not be saved |
19.3 HF2 |
ACI0102343 |
The command "WA Démarrer hors écran" is not recognized by the 4D editor |
19.4 |
ACI0102344 |
In 4D database FR, in method properties: "uniquement utilisé dans les projets compilées" is not well translated to french |
19.3 HF2 |
ACI0102490 |
Only with 4D FR language, when using the "WA démarrer hors écran" command, 4D doesn't recognize the function, it is considered as a variable. |
19.3 HF2 |
ACI0102540 |
ORDA query that uses OR operator on the 1 to N relation on the same class, makes 4D quit |
ACI0102661 |
4D Write Pro: Runtime error while switching between forms with a 4D Write pro widget in it |
19.5 |
ACI0102712 |
Comment a recently pasted text in the method editor may lead to a crash. |
19.3 HF2 |
ACI0102817 |
On macOS Mojave, process launched with LAUNCH EXTERNAL PROCESS appears to inherit the ports that 4D is listening on |
19.4 |
ACI0102830 |
4D remote freeze when you quit after displaying the administration server window |
19 R5 |
ACI0102865 |
Page control action button may go disabled unexpectedly if you have another window open |
19.4 |
ACI0102894 |
Standard action 'Quit' executes the object method then displays the confirmation dialog, whereas it should display the dialog first. |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0102900 |
VP Ribbon - French Translation issues |
19.4 |
ACI0102914 |
Button with standard action "addSubrecord" must be disabled if listbox is an entity selection listbox. This could lead to a crash. |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0102947 |
When the cursor is in a Listbox cell, and you press any key with the command modifier (for example 'CMD'+"d" on Mac or 'CTRL'+"d" on Windows) the form event "On before Keystroke" fires twice. |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0102974 |
'_O_Gestalt' may crash 4D ; for instance : "$errCode:=_O_Gestalt("sync"; $v) " ; note that 4D command is an obsolete command. |
19.5 |
ACI0102975 |
The print object command does not allow interception of "Stop" button on progress print dialog . |
19.4 |
ACI0103015 |
The MSC returns an error in dark mode |
19.3 HF2 |
ACI0103019 |
4D Write Pro: Deleting the content of a cell in a table deletes the cell with the backspace key |
19.3 HF2 |
ACI0103036 |
Quick Report: the preview button is unexpectedly grayed out on macOS |
19.3 HF2 |
ACI0103043 |
4D Write Pro: problem with the export popup menu of the Writepro Toolbar, the menu is badly written in FR version |
19.3 HF2 |
ACI0103046 |
Tab bar click event works into the whole column (not just the header) |
19 R5 19.3 HF1 |
ACI0103074 |
Clicking on a menu item set by code while the Label editor is open generate an error -10508 (the menu bar is not grayed out) |
19.4 |
ACI0103075 |
When we click on the WritePro export button without putting the focus in the area we get an error |
19.4 |
ACI0103080 |
When trying to use 'SET CURRENT PRINTER' on PDFCreator, PDFCreator is unable to become the current printer. |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0103081 |
IMAP transporter' .getMails()' may freeze while retrieving emails |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0103086 |
4D View Pro: Multipleline cells in 4D View document are converted to one line cells in 4D View Pro. |
19.5 |
ACI0103109 |
SET MENU ITEM SHORTCUT "0" does not display right character on macOS 12.x (Monterey) |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0103150 |
In a project converted to v19, the web session management is 'none' although database settings show 'legacy' |
19.5 |
ACI0103154 |
The 'OK' button on interface tab of User Settings for 'Data file' becomes unexpectedly enabled when you come back to the first tab. |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0103176 |
4D View Pro: Importing an excel file may return wrong numbers. |
19.5 |
ACI0103179 |
When using 'FILTER KEYSTROKE' in the 'On Before Keystroke' event, the cursor will jump to the start of the field value. |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0103192 |
In the quick reports the cross table is not filled by the fields |
ACI0103197 |
When you click a not initialized Popup that displays an array without any elements, input fields are disabled and can no longer be entered (while you can select text). |
19.4 HF1 19 R6 HF1 |
ACI0103207 |
Field name in action tab of Mobile project editor may be unexpectedly translated (according to the system localization) where it should not. |
ACI0103215 |
Client looses connection while executing some code during the timeout before server restart. |
19.5 |
ACI0103216 |
In client /server (IP configuration) tab of Settings dialog, 'OK' button becomes enabled when you click on the first column of the list |
ACI0103219 |
On Windows, in the structure editor, the search in editor area carries out the search only for the first entered character |
19.5 |
ACI0103236 |
Using the "IMAP transporter .getMails()" command to loop through a large number of emails to retrieve them, shows an "Error 200" |
19.5 |
ACI0103238 |
Project will always tell that the user needs another step for WebFolder by unexpected red letters in Database settings |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0103242 |
Depending of the size, Drop down list icon may not be well displayed: 3 dots appears as it seems too narrow. |
19 R6 HF1 |
ACI0103244 |
'Surrogate' character at the end of an alpha field can caused invalid character because not truncated correctly |
19.4 HF1 19 R6 HF1 |
ACI0103245 |
The preview pane in the explorer doesn’t respect the style sheets for subform |
19.5 |
ACI0103336 |
The ".getBox List()" command doesn't correctly decode the name of the mailboxes as soon as there is a "+" sign |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0103341 |
4D Write Pro: a Write Pro dynamic table cell with a Null state display the word "Null" instead of a blank (like a listbox). |
ACI0103345 |
4D Write Pro: When executing 'WP COMPUTE FORMULAS' the text ranges are getting messed up; then, the command 'WP Text range' delivers wrong values. |
19.5 |
ACI0103346 |
After convertion to project mode, the css style is missing in the property list of listbox , header, column and footer |
19.4 HF1 |
ACI0103355 |
Performance issue appeared in v19.3 when using SQL pass-through to a 4D Server when several servers run SQL server. |
19 R6 HF1 19.5 |
ACI0103377 |
Form locking is not working correctly in client-server. Doing a modification in a form may unlock unexpectedly the form for other developers. In Project mode only. |
19 R6 HF1 |
ACI0103384 |
Png image incorrectly displayed after its reduction |
ACI0103385 |
Static texts are no longer transparent after a conversion to Project mode. |
ACI0103389 |
QR Report - Syntax error when using callback method |
ACI0103392 |
DRAG WINDOW doesn't work proprely when windows is scalled in SDI mode |
ACI0103395 |
4D Write Pro: irrelevant constants appear in type-ahead pop-up for the 4D command 'WP SET ATTRIBUTES' |
19.5 |
ACI0103400 |
In method edition, 'CTRL' + 'mouse click' on a function doesn't open it. |
ACI0103401 |
In Method Editor, surrogate pairs such as emoji are not highlighted correctly, there are highlighted by code point (high, low): when highlighting, half of surrogate character is highlighted. |
19.5 |
ACI0103402 |
Array listboxes are not printed correctly: the columns keep getting narrower as we get down the pages |
ACI0103406 |
4D Write Pro: Toogle show/hide references may not show computed values immediatly |
ACI0103412 |
After converting a database from Binary mode to Project mode, due to the presence of a listbox with 'alt row BG color', others listboxes may have their color changed |
19.5 |
ACI0103414 |
Unexpected runtime error when searching in the structure editor |
ACI0103417 |
The IMAP Transporter.'checkconnection' method returns a bad result on an open connexion when the email is updated (delete or receive mails) |
19 R6 HF1 19.5 |
ACI0103418 |
Passing a formula object as parameter to 'CALL WORKER' doesn't clone properly captured local variables |
19 R6 HF1 |
ACI0103423 |
4D commands manipulating 'Sets' slow down when loading records from another client. |
19 R6 HF1 19.5 |
ACI0103427 |
Sequential searches in ORDA are slower (up to 20 times) then using 'classic' searches (with 'QUERY' 4D command) |
19.5 |
ACI0103430 |
4D Server may crash when processing many REST requests |
19 R6 HF1 |
ACI0103434 |
Engined application in SDI Mode does not exit as it should : The window will closed and the application icone will be removed from task bar, but a background task, named "4D Volume Desktop", is still running (see in task manager). |
19.5 |
ACI0103436 |
Text object with automatic colour appears disabled in Binary database |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103440 |
4D may crash when '#DECLARE' is followed by a declaration of $0 by 4D commands (for instance 'C_DATE', 'C_LONGINT') ; note that it is not recommended to do so. |
19 R6 HF1 |
ACI0103447 |
Rectangle object in subform may disappears on resizing the window. |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103451 |
Since v19 R6, the client server publish name, not the structure name, is used for web legacy session cookie name |
19 R6 HF2 |
ACI0103456 |
4D Mobile: the message "Not validate filter" is unexpectedly displayed when validating a filter on a remote server |
19 R6 HF1 |
ACI0103457 |
On macOS 13 (Ventura), the combo box focus is wrongly drawn when its height is less than 23 |
19.5 19 R6 HF2 |
ACI0103459 |
Mounted network volume not recognized on macOS 13 (Ventura). |
19.5 |
ACI0103460 |
'GRAPH' 4D command without legends may throw an unexpected execution error |
ACI0103462 |
Customized date formats (or official for some regional settings, like Netherlands) may not be correct in 4D; macOS 13.x only (Ventura). |
19 R8 19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103463 |
4D Write Pro: a project method associated with a link doesn't evaluate the expressions concerning the fields and tables even if the records are loaded. |
19.5 19 R6 HF2 |
ACI0103465 |
Formula capture of a boolean local variable doesn't work |
19 R6 HF1 19.5 |
ACI0103472 |
SVG Style don't support underline + strikethrough |
ACI0103485 |
Orphan blobs appear in the data file when assigning an empty object to an object field stored in the data file |
19.5 |
ACI0103487 |
ORDA: Unexpected Runtime Error ("Try to read beyond end of the stream") in client/server mode when assigning a blob field to a variable |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103492 |
Unable to select and hold a static line drawn from right to left and bottom to top |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103493 |
Floating palette type windows opened while 4D is in the background are no longer displayed when 4D is brought back to the foreground; on macOS 13 only (Ventura). |
19.5 19 R6 HF2 |
ACI0103496 |
Text properties like 'fontStyle' or 'fontSize' are wrongly exported for a picture object when the database is converted into a project |
19.5 |
ACI0103497 |
The title of an object with picture datasource, when converted into project mode, should get automatic text style |
19.5 |
ACI0103498 |
Changing the datasource type of an object from text to picture does not reset text properties like "stroke" or font attributes. |
19.5 |
ACI0103499 |
Compiler option "Type the variables" incorrectly types parameter indirection in the symbols file |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103501 |
4D View Pro: The option 'includeBindingSource' should be activated also for the export to excel |
ACI0103502 |
Display of image buttons in the form editor |
ACI0103503 |
4D Write Pro: Picture exported to PDF with 4D Write Pro results in poor quality |
19.5 |
ACI0103507 |
Bad optimization in queries while mixing indexed and sequential ; it brings slowness problem. |
19 R6 HF2 19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103514 |
A static picture duplicated, or a pasted picture, in a form, may have a non-unique object name. This could lead to some 'lost' picture (they are still here, but can't be dispalyed) |
19.5 HF2 |
ACI0103520 |
Possible deadlock with 4D Server executed as a Windows Service when connecting a 4D Remote. |
ACI0103524 |
ORDA: Query with 'Not' null on object, not working when indexed and query Not(# null) on object not working when sequential |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103526 |
Since using Windows 11 22H2, the print dialog cannot be used. |
19.5 19 R6 HF2 |
ACI0103529 |
4D Mobile: after the update of an application the device id sent to the server is not the same |
19 R6 HF2 |
ACI0103537 |
4D Write Pro: Japane fonts, used with the widget '4D Write Pro Area + Toolbar' from the obecj library, are not beautiful. |
19.5 HF2 |
ACI0103538 |
REST server can return the error #401 after doing important number of requests |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103542 |
'Execute on server' method attribute not working in compiled component running in native mode |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103551 |
When passing a date header to a HTTPRequest, the header is overwritten. |
ACI0103555 |
Product name in properties details tab on a 4D build application 'exe' file shows "4D Volume Desktop" instead of application name. |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103556 |
Runtime error when attempting to assign NULL to an element of an array of objects |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103560 |
4D Write Pro: After inserting images on a 4D Write Pro page with attribute "before the text", this one is displayed in background instead of foreground. |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103562 |
Changing type of Highlight button to 3D Button removes associated shortcut |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103573 |
Randomly 4D may quit unexpectedly when exiting the legacy printing setting dialog ; on Windows 11 22H2 only. |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103575 |
Calling a 4D dialog on old Windows 10 ( build < 1703) can lead to a crash. |
19.5 HF1 |
ACI0103578 |
When connecting a client and a server on the same PC, and you alternate several times between starting compiled and interpreted, it may lead the client to a freeze or a crash. |
19.5 HF1 |