All Products 20.4 HF2 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0104304 The command 'PROCESS 4D TAGS' generates unexpected char ">".
ACI0104966 Error with Computed Attributes in Class sent in HTTP Request
ACI0104971 Unexpected CORS error in 4D's embedded web areas 20 R5 HF1
ACI0104976 Splash screen doesn't work with dark mode.
ACI0104993 In quick report, changing a two background colors option to the same color is not taken into account
ACI0104996 With a binary database, the 'System font' name is unexpectedly localized when changing localization of the Windows system.
ACI0104997 When converting Binary database to Project database, the CSS file may contain wrong font name because it gets localized.
ACI0105014 Can't rename Views in the form editor since v20.x in a Binary database.
ACI0105019 ORDA: Query plans are wrong on 'OR' operation between 2 different joins; since 20.4 HF1 and 20 R5 20 R5 HF1
ACI0105023 Widgets in a background window does not have the correct appearance; macOS only.