Reference |
Summary |
Fixed also with |
ACI0102246 |
'SQL LOGIN' sets OK to 1, even if you cancel the connection dialog. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0103521 |
Records are not aligned correctly with "IMPORT TEXT" command. |
20.4 HF1 |
ACI0103643 |
In 'Toolbox:Groups' dialog, choosing a non-licensed plugin is a nonsense as this is for licensed offers accesses management. It has been then decided to display only functionalities under licenses. |
20.5 |
ACI0104304 |
The command 'PROCESS 4D TAGS' generates unexpected char ">". |
20.4 HF2 |
ACI0104427 |
Modal form dialog box windows appear offs-screen when opened while 4D is minimized. Windows system only. |
20 R4 19.7 HF2 20.5 |
ACI0104458 |
The SQL Server seems started on the Server Administration window (visible in tab "SQL Server") without the setting "launch on startup"; yet, the SQL server is not reachable. |
20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104620 |
4D Write Pro: when exporting a document to Word, the page numbers are not exported correctly |
ACI0104655 |
Some process variables names produce compilation error for Apple Silicon |
ACI0104669 |
Cut and Undo a 'case-of' block cause the code in the method editor to be broken. |
20 R4 HF1 20.3 HF2 19.8 |
ACI0104718 |
When building an application with the "Intel only" option, the generated executable contains 2 architectures: ARM is added. |
20.3 HF1 |
ACI0104732 |
When creating an html quick report, right aligned numbers characters are left aligned. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104795 |
CTRL-F while text is highlighted will keep focus on highlight rather than jump to the search panel. |
20.4 HF1 |
ACI0104826 |
Fetch message dialog window pops up after 'SQL LOAD RECORD' when the query is slow, even after using 'MESSAGES OFF' command. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104841 |
The plugin report type form variable doesn't receive any value on a binary database |
ACI0104843 |
4D View Pro: when executing the command 'VP Convert to picture' to convert part of the 4D View pro data into a picture, the result picture has a different font. |
20.4 HF1 |
ACI0104844 |
Debugger Step Out Appears to Stop Debugging Parent Method from On Err Call Method. |
20.4 HF1 |
ACI0104857 |
4D Write Pro: when a table with a datasource is inserted inside a textbox, the data row and the break rows are duplicated after the document is exported and reimported from a 4D Write Pro file ('.4wp'). |
20 R5 |
ACI0104861 |
In an input box not been focused or clicked into, "Blank on Null" setting turns Current Time entries blank on form. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104863 |
Row highlight problem in listbox when the vertical padding is specified and the height line unit is pixel. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104883 |
In a 'case of', using a 'Try' expression may produce a crash in compiled mode. |
20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104888 |
Possible freezes or crashes while or after restoring, depending of 'Backup & Restore' settings ('Comrpession date', 'Interlacing rate', and 'Redundancy rate'). |
20.5 HF2 |
ACI0104889 |
Some information about licenses could be hidden with OEM Engined 4D Server application. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104896 |
4D Write Pro: decimal tabulator error with Swiss number format. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104897 |
Incorrect display of a dynamic pop-up menu after setting a style on it. |
20.4 HF1 |
ACI0104900 |
Client-Server mode: Default rate compacting of internal files (Components, Plugins, ...) is too low since v20. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104904 |
Using the operator '&&', 4D modifies the value of a Boolean variable when referenced by a pointer (compiled only). |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104908 |
When a new request log is created, sometimes the first request log gets corrupted and the information, starting from the "request" column, repeats the information from the start of the log ("Log Session Identifier..."). |
20 R5 HF2 20.5 |
ACI0104910 |
Unexpected error on the following code : " var $o : Object:={test: False ? "False" : True ? "True" : "False"} " |
ACI0104920 |
Let a database in client-server mode, with a Designer password, with web processes in 'Legacy' mode (not scalable). Trying to access a set from a web process may create an unexpected error "Bad User Password". |
20 R5 HF2 |
ACI0104930 |
The '.4DIndx' file size could increase unexpectedly on records creation, or on journal file integration. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104933 |
If the REST server returns a value of 0, 4D fails to display it in the body of the HTTPRequest class |
20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104934 |
Unexpected error ("This method or this function cannot be called when a print job is started") after launching multiple printing jobs process simultaneously on server. |
20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104935 |
In project mode, entering the value "Number of locked columns" or "Number of static columns" for a listbox is not handled correctly. |
20.4 HF1 |
ACI0104936 |
In the toolbar, the “Query” button appears activated whereas no database is open (appeared since version 20 R5). |
20 R5 HF2 |
ACI0104939 |
'SMTPTransporter.send' doesn't work with the port SSL 465, and the '.connectionTimeOut' is not respected. |
20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104946 |
Smart constants of 'OPEN FORM WINDOW' for windows type does not display/propose the two constants: "Plain form window no title" and "Movable form dialog box no title". |
20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104948 |
Right click menu in the structure editor doesn't display the contextual pop-up content correctly (incomplete xLiff syntax appears) when 4D contains only 'en.lproj' resources whereas Windows system Regional format is set to a country not managed by 4D. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104949 |
Unexpected error on executing a component method on startup from a method named 'Compiler_'. |
20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104950 |
After re-opening a database, we may have an incorrect replacement of the Explorer window if the "Show toolbar" property is not activated. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104957 |
4D Crash when running processes during search references from debugger |
20.4 HF1 |
ACI0104959 |
'GET FIELD RELATION' returns incorrect parameter value for the status of the Many to One relation. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104960 |
Client Network disconnection occurring on Queries when the server is too busy to respond before the timeout. |
20 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104966 |
Error with Computed Attributes in Class sent in HTTP Request |
20.4 HF2 |
ACI0104968 |
In the Quick Report dialog, the modification of formats for Boolean fields is not taken into account. |
20.5 |
ACI0104971 |
Unexpected CORS error in 4D's embedded web areas |
20 R5 HF1 20.4 HF2 |
ACI0104973 |
Inconsistency with the web settings “legacy sessions” in the settings dialog which is checked and 'Web Server.scalabaleSession' which returns 'true'. |
20.4 HF1 |
ACI0104976 |
Splash screen doesn't work with dark mode. |
20.4 HF2 |
ACI0104980 |
In Design mode, incorrect management of the ‘Number of locked columns’ when adding/inserting a column in a listbox; causing display inconsistencies in the form editor. |
20.4 HF1 |
ACI0104983 |
No error and no warning when assigning a litteral null value to variables with primitive types, even after running a compilation pass |
ACI0104988 |
CheckBox text (same for radio button) turns gray when the window is in the background |
20.4 HF1 |
ACI0104990 |
4D Write Pro: font size with a decimal value may not be taken into account. |
20.5 |
ACI0104991 |
The command 'GET FIELD RELATION' returns incorrect parameter value for the status of the Many to One relation after 'QUERY' and 'ORDER BY' commands. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0104993 |
In quick report, changing a two background colors option to the same color is not taken into account |
20.4 HF2 |
ACI0104996 |
With a binary database, the 'System font' name is unexpectedly localized when changing localization of the Windows system. |
20.4 HF2 |
ACI0104997 |
When converting Binary database to Project database, the CSS file may contain wrong font name because it gets localized. |
20.4 HF2 |
ACI0105003 |
ORDA: the '.diff()' function on entities with a picture or blob attribute could return null, even if the attribute had been modified. |
20 R5 HF2 20.5 |
ACI0105014 |
Can't rename Views in the form editor since v20.x in a Binary database. |
20.4 HF2 |
ACI0105017 |
4D quits unexpectedly at the command call "Convert to text" command under macOS system for "UTF-7" character set. |
20 R5 HF2 20.5 |
ACI0105019 |
ORDA: query plans are wrong on 'OR' operation between 2 different joins; since 20.4 HF1 and 20 R5 |
20 R5 HF1 20.4 HF2 |
ACI0105023 |
Widgets in a background window does not have the correct appearance; macOS only. |
20.4 HF2 |
ACI0105024 |
When a data file is opened in which some of the index names have different names to those in the catalog file, the catalog file is updated with the index names from the data; whereas the catalog file should have stayed unmodified |
20.5 HF1 |
ACI0105025 |
NetKit not thread-safe in compiled mode |
20.5 |
ACI0105030 |
The 'check syntax' doesn't report type mismatch when assigning a computed class attribute |
ACI0105032 |
With some 'old' databases converted from Binary mode to Project mode, they may crash when opened since version 20 R5. |
20 R5 HF2 |
ACI0105039 |
Headers Http should be encoded on US-ASCII instead of UTF-8: some characters have to be escaped. |
20.5 HF1 |
ACI0105040 |
In the method editor, in one particular case, renaming a variable freezes 4D |
ACI0105047 |
Empty error message and missing red icon when compiling a method with a #DECLARE() directive after an executable statement |
20.5 |
ACI0105050 |
Compacting with 'Force updating of the records' option would lose blob/picture external path stored in the record. |
20 R5 HF2 20.5 |
ACI0105055 |
In SDI mode, the window is positioned incorrectly when using Open Form Window and Set Window Rect. |
20.5 |
ACI0105061 |
Wrong query result with arrays under particular conditions (the entity contains data, the query does not use the index and the attribute has the "map NULL..." property checked) |
20 R7 20.5 HF1 |
ACI0105063 |
Crash when pressing arrow up or down keys on empty popup dropdown list |
20.5 |
ACI0105070 |
'COLLECTION TO ARRAY' does not convert Numbers to Time arrays |
20.5 |
ACI0105073 |
Crash when pressing arrow up/down + space keys on empty popup dropdown list |
20.5 |
ACI0105080 |
The command 'OJECT SET FORMAT' doesn't work on listbox headers using "path:/RESOURCES" |
20.5 HF1 |
ACI0105088 |
Quick report: the command 'QR BLOB TO REPORT' may crash unexpectedly; since 20 R5. |
ACI0105089 |
Operators '+=' , '-=' , '*=', and '/=' don't correctly parse the [ ] operator creating a collection (for instance: "$x+=[1; 2; 3].max()"). |
ACI0105090 |
ORDA: 'entitySelection.clean()' does not work within a transaction. |
ACI0105093 |
On macOS 15 (Sequoia), if you print to a PDF file through the print preview page, you get an unexpected error #-9630. |
20.5 |
ACI0105095 |
In 4D Dialog, the button that has focus changes its color to white when mouse over; macOS 15 only (Sequoia). |
20.5 |
ACI0105118 |
ORDA: 'selection.clean' does not work correctly when record addresses are greater than 2 Gb. |
20 R7 |
ACI0105120 |
Popup dropdown list object is displayed wrongly when its height is small (under 21 or 18 pixels); on macOS 15 (Sequoia) only. |
20.5 |
ACI0105137 |
ORDA: 'EntitySel.clean()' does not update the selection correctly when this one has been sorted. |
20 R7 |
ACI0105140 |
Randomly, on Windows 11 24H2, an error may unexpectedly happen when generating a pdf by opening a printing job. (no problem with 23H2). |
20 R7 20.5 HF1 |
ACI0105153 |
Text on default button not visible when focus is on another window of type palette |
20 R7 20.5 HF1 |
ACI0104371 |
Missing version information in the ODBC Administrator pane. |
20.4 HF1 20 R5 HF1 |
ACI0105018 |
Qodly Studio: the LSP gets disconnected when clicking on go to def or modifying the code of the user component |