All Products 17.2 - Fixed bugs

Reference Summary Fixed also with
ACI0097749 4D does not start when the date and numbers format is set to " French (New Caledonia) " localization. This problem is fixed only for 64-bit application. 17.1 HF2
ACI0098029 The SQL command LEFT OUTER JOIN does not return all records of the left table. 17.1 HF2
ACI0098160 'Get system info' command returns different values for the property 'osVersion', depending of the system localization: some word are translated. It's better to have some information that works for all localization. 17.1 HF2
ACI0098328 When converting a document from 4D Write to 4D Write Pro, some words are highlighted with blue color (background color).
ACI0098413 Unexpected Regex error in 4D SVG Component that prevent to save picture with 'SVG_SAVE_AS_PICTURE'. 16.6
ACI0098452 While editing a record in a list form just generated by Form wizard, SVG picture of this line disappears during the editing time. After editing, the SVG of the edited record overwrites any other SVG in the table.
ACI0098505 During an auto-update on a build application set as a Windows service, 'old' folders are not deleted properly. 17.1 HF2 16.5 HF1
ACI0098621 'QUERY WITH ARRAY' returns wrong results if database language is Japanese and ICU is set to use string matching for search. 17.1 HF2 16.5 HF1
ACI0098697 Resizing a collapsed Explorer windows mays bring an unexpected behaviour of the window when resizing it or expanding it. 16.5 17.1 HF1
ACI0098765 The Japanese conversion window stays visible after validating Japanese input directly in the structure editor. 17.1 HF1
ACI0098939 'WA Evaluate JavaScript' is too much slow with integrated web engine (compare to system web engine). 64-bit application, macOS X only. 17.1 HF1
ACI0098951 When double-clicking on a record through an Output form of a subform, an unexpected error arises if there is no Input form defined. The Input form by default for the table must be used. 17.1 HF1
ACI0098972 Some bullets created with 4D Write are not converted correctly with 4D Write Pro. 17 R4 17.1 HF1
ACI0099003 If a text edit object hidden during 'On Display Detail' is set to visible in 'On Load Record', only the borders are displayed. The content remains hidden. 17.1 HF1
ACI0099061 Quick report 64-bit: Changing Text alignment doesn't work for columns. 17 R4 17.1 HF1
ACI0099065 When using the 'PRINT LABEL' command in 4D 64 bit the command can print beyond the dimensions of the label and/or page. 17.1 HF1
ACI0099091 When saving a Write Pro document just after using the command 'ST FREEZE EXPRESSIONS', the font size may be is lost for expressions. 16.4 HF1 17.1 HF1
ACI0099098 4D Write Pro: Underlined tabulation characters are no more showed underlined when the option to display hidden signs is on. 17 R4 17.1 HF1
ACI0099101 No more transparent background after converting a 4D Write document to 4D Write Pro. 17 R4 17.1 HF1
ACI0099107 In Interpreted mode, a not yet defined form variable of type 'String' (typed from Property list palette), bound to a choice list', if considered by default as a variable of type 18 (Text array) instead of 5 (undefined). 17.1 HF1
ACI0099110 'SET CHANNEL' command returns error -28 when the baud rate is less than 3600. 17.1 HF1
ACI0099112 Executing the command 'SET MENU BAR' with the star parameter while a modal window is shown (ALERT,CONFIRM or QR REPORTcommand...), menu commands may be unexpectedly disabled. 17.1 HF2 16.5 HF1
ACI0099118 Quick report 64-bit: Use of custom html-templates not working. 17 R4 17.1 HF2
ACI0099123 'entitySelection.add( )' can fail in client/server when used 'with entity.indexOf( )'. Same problem with 'entitySelection.minus()'. 17.1 HF1
ACI0099153 Using 'Open form window' on a 2nd screen, then using 'SET WINDOW RECT', may result in opening an invisible window. 17.1 HF1
ACI0099160 The command 'Pop up menu' ignores the 'default' argument on Windows system. 17.1 HF1
ACI0099164 'On Mouse Move' event does not fire over 'Popup form window' unless mouse button is pressed. Windows system only. 17.1 HF1
ACI0099165 Create an entity selection through a relation attribute may not work after using a '.newSelection()' and a '.add()' ; client-server mode only. 17 R4 17.1 HF1
ACI0099187 Crash while compiling if there is more than 32000 items (methods + table + forms + ...) in the database. 17.1 HF1 16.5 HF1
ACI0099200 Printing records via label editor could be wrong when printing landscape: only 1 record printed (and sometimes the last one).
ACI0099202 4D Write Pro bullet list with custom bullets are not changeable after conversion from 4D Write. 17 R4 17.1 HF1
ACI0099217 Unexpected error when updating old records through Wakanda. It depends of the data, especially those created with previous 4D versions (before v15 and before). 17.1 HF1
ACI0099225 Calling 'FORM GOTO PAGE' from a 'non-page-zero' listbox event can lead to a crash when switching to another form page. 17.1 HF1
ACI0099228 Quick report "Cross Table" doesn't show the correct "SUM" of times. 17 R5
ACI0099229 If no network connection and, later on, the connection is back with 4D, all http requests fail with error #30 instead of working successfully after a while. 17.1 HF1
ACI0099231 Conversion from 4D Write to 4D Write Pro: text in 'Small-caps' maybe converted into CAPITAL letters. 17 R4 17.1 HF1
ACI0099232 Bad text color conversion from a 4D Write document to a 4D Write Pro document. 17 R4 17.1 HF1
ACI0099253 Quick Report: When generating a file, an unexpected dialog "Generating Dialog" prevents any interaction with the application because of its window type. 17.1 HF2 16.5 HF1
ACI0099262 The Swedish letters like "Å", "Ä", ... are not well displayed in the shortcut menu; they are mapped as A (instead of the letter set for the menu item). 17.1 HF2 16.5 HF1
ACI0099264 Clicking from an application to another, leaving the mouse button pressed, you can move the window. But when clicking on 4D application, you have to release the button and click again to move a 4D windows. Only in SDI mode (Single-Document Interface). 17.1 HF2
ACI0099265 Windows Splash Screen visible during startup in SDI mode. 17.1 HF1
ACI0099272 No cursor is displayed to indicate precisely the drop location in a 4D Write Pro area when dragging a text. 17 R4 17.1 HF1
ACI0099273 4D Write Pro cannot Drag and Drop into header or footer. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099283 Quickly closing many processes crashes 4D Remote when using 'SET MENU BAR'. No problem with 4D in single-user mode. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099291 When a web area has the "Use embedded Web rendering engine" setting unchecked, 'WA Evaluate Javascript' will interpret \r and \n literally which causes the javascript code to not execute. 17.1 HF1
ACI0099294 Because of a 'Begin SQL - End SQL' code in a method, the Compiler shows a wrong line number when there is a compilation error. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099295 If the 'Startup Environment' option is "Application", and the "Splash screen" is unchecked for 'Display Windows' option, you need to execute twice the menu command "Go to design mode" to make it work. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099309 When exporting ALPHA or TEXT field to DBF format, the exported content is truncated to 15 characters with 4D 64-bit; whereas it is 80 characters on 32-bit. The fix done pushes now the limit to 128 characters for 64-bit application. 17 R5 17.1 HF2
ACI0099312 Dragging listbox elements from one listbox to another no longer show the mouse cursor attached to the "+" icon. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099320 Let a text input area object with a height of 1 line in v16. After converting to v17, the descender height of the object is incorrect and may erase close form object. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099329 If the 2 first parameters (of Blob type) are not declared properly for the 4D command 'GENERATE CERTIFICATE REQUEST', its execution leads to a crash. An error should be generated instead. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099331 Since v17.1 hotfix 1, the 4D command 'FORM SET INPUT' has no effect on subforms.
ACI0099332 Crash due to multiple SOAP requests; the allocation of the stask for each new web process is normally done by a non-threadsafe code, yet, sometimes, it could be unexpectedly called from a preemptive web process. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099334 'QUERY WITH ARRAY' or ORDA query() with collection returns wrong results if database language is Japanese and ICU is set to use string matching for search.
ACI0099358 Compared to the legacy network mode, with ServerNet mode queries slow over on high latency network. 17.1 HF2 16.5 HF1
ACI0099359 Let only 'Dragable' and 'Dropable' properties for a text input object, with the event 'On Begin Drag Over' chosen. You can't select the text with the mouse because of the unexpected triggering of the "On Begin Drag Over" event. 17.1 HF2 16.5 HF1
ACI0099384 Using "Entity.toObject ()" with circular references may lead to a crash. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099385 Since v14, duplicating a form in the Explorer, or 'moving' it from a database to another may bring unexpected backslash + CRLF characters in the code of some object methods. Workaround is to edit and resave the code first before the duplication. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099393 Let a picture property that states to display a picture on some pages (not all) of a 4D Write document. After a conversion to 4D Write Pro, the picture appears on all pages. 17 R5 17.1 HF2
ACI0099400 A crash could occured when switchnig 4D in background when an update need to be done in the same time on a MODIFY/DISPLAY SELECTION. Windows system only. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099407 The constant 'lk remove from selection' used in the command 'LISTBOX SELECT ROW' may lead to a crash. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099415 Cursor not visible if setting a field background to a light color; the cursor color depends on the luminance. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099428 With 'dot notation', parentheses seems needed to unpoint : " (Form.colonne)->{$index}:=(Form.colonne)->{$index}*10 " works, whereas " Form.colonne->{$index}:=(Form.colonne)->{$index}*10 " doesn't work. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099430 'WA Get Page Title' returns URL information instead of page title, on Windows with Internet Explorer 11. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099448 With 4D 64-bit, web area with Embedded web rendering engine does not retain credentials (example: Google Calendar authentication not kept after restart).
ACI0099451 Listbox constant 'lk auto row height' in 4D command 'LISTBOX SET PROPERTY' is not functional in duplicated ListBox columns.
ACI0099455 When a database is converted from v13 to v17, font name is lost for forms objects with no stylesheet.
ACI0099457 Incorrect document display after inserting a page break (same thing if the document finishes by a table, column, or a section): the page break is not at the end but is somewhere in the middle of the page. 17.1 HF2
ACI0099458 On scroll event (picture) is slow if using the scroll bar or mouse wheel. No problem when using arrow keys.
ACI0099476 4D Write Pro justification problem: a text with direction from right to left (such as Arabic text) is not aligned to the right anymore. It is aligned to the left. 17 R5
ACI0099482 Right aligned value in listbox may have invisible caret depending on the value length.
ACI0099485 entity.touched() return true for object field in Client/ServerMode even if this one is affected to an object (variable or field) not belonging to the dataclass. 17 R5 17.1 HF2
ACI0099507 In a client-server environment with 2 clients connected, one client performs a syntax check, the other client execute SET DATABASE PARAMETER(REMOTE MODE TIMEOUT;1) while the syntax check is running. The client running the syntax check freezes.
ACI0099524 In the Administration window, part 'Processes', when selecting the line of a 'preemptive worker', it shows a non-localized text : ":xliff:MONI_PROCESS_Type39 - (process name)". 17 R5 17 R6 16.6
ACI0099536 In 64-bit mode, Quick Report ignore column separator other then 'tab'. A change in settings is not applied. 17 R5
ACI0099556 collection.sort() method doesn’t work well on Client/Server for attributes of type date when using transactions.
ACI0099649 Since the v17.1 Hotfix 1, the border of a subform object may be shifted of 1 pixel at the top and at the right; leaving then a transparent line in between.
ACI0099659 Server can crash while indexing when a “recover by record header” was performed with MSC. 17 R5
ACI0099431 Commands "OCILobGetLength", "OCILobWrite" and "OCILobRead" return -2 (invalid handle) for CLOB Oracle data type when ran 64-bit applications (No problem on 32-bit). 17 R5